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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 A fair trial? 미리보기
ALTMAN,DOUGLAS G British Medical Association 1984
2 저널기사 a fishy tale:trout borne Aeromonas hydrophila septicaemia 미리보기
FARRINGTON,M British Medical Association 1983
3 저널기사 A fortunate man 미리보기
STALLWORTHY,JOHN British Medical Association 1981
4 저널기사 A framework for establishing a record system 미리보기
ZANDER,L.I British Medical Association 1981
5 저널기사 Facial burns due to fan heater 미리보기
GENECHTEN,F.VAN British Medical Association 1981
6 저널기사 Facing the future:medical education in a cold climate 미리보기
FLEMING, P.R British Medical Association 1982
7 저널기사 Factitious phaeochromocytoma:a case for Sherlock Holmes 미리보기
PORTIOLI,ITALO British Medical Association 1981
8 저널기사 Factors affecting development of peritonitis in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis/ 미리보기
GOODSHIP,T H J British Medical Association 1984
9 저널기사 Factors affecting susceptibility and resistance to tuberculosis/ 미리보기
Davies, P D O British Medical Association 2001
10 저널기사 Factors affection day to day incidence of stroke in Nottingham 미리보기
BARER,DAVID British Medical Association 1984
11 저널기사 Factors associated with age at diagnosis of breast cancer 미리보기
DURALDE,YOLANDA A British Medical Association 1982
12 저널기사 Factors associated with home visiting in an inner London general practice 미리보기
BUCQUET, D British Medical Association 1985
13 저널기사 Factors associated with the intellectual ability of children born to women with high risk pregnancies / 미리보기
OUNSTED, M British Medical Association 1984
14 저널기사 Factors contributing to mortaility in paracetamol-induced hepatic failure 미리보기
CANALESE, J British Medical Association 1981
15 저널기사 Factors predictive of attendance at clinic and blood pressure control in hypertensive patients/ 미리보기
DEGOULET, P British Medical Association 1983
16 저널기사 Factors protective against retinopathy in insulin-dependent diabetics free of retinopathy for 30 years / 미리보기
DORNAN, TIMOTHY British Medical Association 1982
17 저널기사 Factors related to first dose hypotensive effect of captopril:predication and treeatment/ 미리보기
HODSMAN, G.P British Medical Association 1983
18 저널기사 Factor VIII complex in uraemia and effects of haemodialysis 미리보기
TURNEY, J.H British Medical Association 1981
19 저널기사 Facts and fallacies about gall stones 미리보기
British Medical Association 1981
20 저널기사 Facts on sudden infant death 미리보기
SOUTHALL, DAVID British Medical Association 1985
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