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121 저널기사 Formation of translucent hydroxyapatite ceramics by sintering in carbon dioxide atmospheres/ 미리보기
Wright, A. J. Harris, J. J.; Fleming, G. J.; Campion, C.; Barralet, J. E. Chapman and Hall 2003
122 저널기사 Formation of ultrafine scale structures in aluminium containing small amounts of particles by conventional rolling deformation/ 미리보기
Wambua, P Liu, Y L; Huang, Y D Chapman and Hall 2001
123 저널기사 Formation of zinc ferrite by solid-state reaction and its characterization by XRD and XPS/ 미리보기
Bera, S Velmurugan, S; Narasimhan, S V Prince, A A M; Gopalan, R; Panneerselvam, G; Raghavan, P S; Chapman and Hall 2001
124 저널기사 Formation process and lattice parameter of InAs/GaAs quantum dots/ 미리보기
Kim, M. D Chapman and Hall 2003
125 저널기사 Forming discontinuous fiber arrays by fracture of lubricated carbon-filament tows/ 미리보기
Creasy, T S Chapman and Hall 2000
126 저널기사 Formulation of PEG-based hydrogels affects tissue-engineered cartilage construct characteristics/ 미리보기
Riley, Susan L Dutt, Sangeeta; de la Torre, Rebecca; Chen, Albert C; Ratcliffe, Anthony Sah, Robert L; Chapman and Hall 2001
127 저널기사 Fourier transform infrared analysis of poly(ester-urethanes) at low temperature in-situ by using a newly constructed liquid nitrogen cooled sample stage 미리보기
Rehman, I Chapman and Hall 1997
128 저널기사 Fourier transform-infrared and optical studies on sol-gel synthesized SrTiO~3 precursor films 미리보기
Kamalasanan, M. N Chapman and Hall 1996
129 저널기사 Fractal analysis of the three-dimensional fracture surfaces in materials by the box-counting method/ 미리보기
Kimura, Y.; Taguchi, J. Chouanine, L.; Tanaka, M. Kato, R.; Chapman and Hall 2003
130 저널기사 Fractal carbon trees on polymer and metal substrates in TEM observation/ 미리보기
Wang, H Z Li, D; Wang, X Wu, Q; Liu, X H; Zhu, H G; Chapman and Hall 2000
131 저널기사 Fractal dimension of the grain boundary fracture in creep-fracture of cobalt-based heat resistant alloys 미리보기
Tanaka, M Chapman and Hall 1996
132 저널기사 Fractographic analysis of vitreous calcia-alumina eutectic fibres produced by inviscid melt spinning (IMS) 미리보기
Sung, Y.-M Chapman and Hall 1996
133 저널기사 Fractographic examination of hydrated biopolymer gel composites using environmental scanning electron microscopy/ 미리보기
Normand, V; Donald, A M Plucknett, K P Baker, F S; Chapman and Hall 2001
134 저널기사 Fractographic interpretation of the fatigue crack propagation behavior of polystyrene and polystyrene/polyethylene blends/ 미리보기
Dickson, J I Denault, J; Bureau, M N Chapman and Hall 2001
135 저널기사 Fractography and transmission electron microscopy analysis of an Al-Li-Cu-Mg-Zr alloy displaying an improved fracture toughness 미리보기
Oezbilen, S. Chapman and Hall 1997
136 저널기사 Fracture and fracture toughness of stoichiometric MgAl~2O~4 crystals at room temperature 미리보기
Rice, R. W Chapman and Hall 1996
137 저널기사 Fracture behavior and mechanisms of LiTaO3 piezoelectric ceramic particles dispersed in Al2O3 matrix ceramic composite/ 미리보기
Liu, Y. G. Zhou, Y.; Tao, S. F. Jia, D. C.; Chapman and Hall 2003
138 저널기사 Fracture behaviour at elevated temperatures of alumina matrix compositesreinforced with silicon carbide whiskers 미리보기
Xia, K Chapman and Hall 1996
139 저널기사 Fracture behaviour of cross-linked collagen fibres/ 미리보기
Arumugam, V; Usha, R; Rajini, K H Sanjeevi, R Chapman and Hall 2001
140 저널기사 Fracture behaviour of liquid crystal epoxy resin systems based on diglycidyl ether of 4,4'-dihydroxy-�methylstilbene. Part II Effect due to blending with TACTIX^* 556 epoxy resin and phenolic monomers 미리보기
Sue, H.-J. Earls, J. D. Hefner, R. E. Chapman and Hall 1997
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