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1 저널기사 A Feminist Foreign Policy 미리보기
Nossel, Suzanne Council on Foreign Relations] 2016
2 저널기사 A Foreign Policy for All Strengthening Democracy—at Home and Abroad 미리보기
Warren, Elizabeth Council on Foreign Relations] 2019
3 저널기사 Faces of Fundamentalism 미리보기
Miller, Judith Council on Foreign Relations 1994
4 저널기사 Facing Up to Africa's Food Crisis 미리보기
Carl K. Eicher Council on Foreign Relations 1983
5 저널기사 Facing Up to Africa's Food Crisis 미리보기
Eicher, Carl K. Council on Foreign Relations 1982
6 저널기사 Facing Up to the Trade Gap With Japan 미리보기
James C. Abegglen;Thomas M. Hout Council on Foreign Relations 1979
7 저널기사 Facing Up to the Trade Gap with Japan 미리보기
Abegglen, James C. Council on Foreign Relations 1978
8 저널기사 Failure to Launch How Obama Fumbled HealthCare.gov 미리보기
Alter, J. Council on Foreign Relations] 2014
9 저널기사 Faith-Based Finance How Wall Street Became a Cult of Risk 미리보기
Tett, Gillian Council on Foreign Relations] 2019
10 저널기사 Fake It Till You Make It The Good News About China's Knockoff Economy 미리보기
Raustiala, K.; Sprigman, C. Council on Foreign Relations] 2013
11 저널기사 Far Eastern Promises Why Washington Should Focus on Asia 미리보기
Campbell, K.M.; Ratner, E. Council on Foreign Relations] 2014
12 저널기사 Farewell to "President Knows Best" 미리보기
Yankelovich, Daniel Council on Foreign Relations 1978
13 저널기사 Fear of Flying Are Drones Dangerous? 미리보기
Matthews, Robert; Johnson, Daniel L.; West, Gretchen Council on Foreign Relations] 2015
14 저널기사 Feeling Triumphalist in Tokyo The Real Reasons Nationalism Is Back in Japan 미리보기
Estevez-Abe, M. Council on Foreign Relations] 2014
15 저널기사 Fidel Castro 미리보기
Maxwell, Kenneth Council on Foreign Relations 1993
16 저널기사 Fight or Flight 미리보기
Pollack, Kenneth M. Council on Foreign Relations] 2016
17 저널기사 Finland 미리보기
Max Jakobson Council on Foreign Relations 1980
18 저널기사 Finland: Substance and Appearance 미리보기
Jakobson, Max Council on Foreign Relations 1980
19 저널기사 Finland Vindicated 미리보기
Lukacs, John Council on Foreign Relations 1992
20 저널기사 Fixing the Other Asia 미리보기
Koppel, B Council on Foreign Relations] 1980
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