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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
321 저널기사 Full Papers - Structure of the solvated yttrium(III) ion in the oxygen donor solvents dimethyl sulfoxide, N,N-dimethylformamide and N,N'-dimethylpropyleneurea and crystal structures of (Y(OSMe2)8)I3 and (Y(OCN2Me2(CH2)3)6)I3/ 미리보기
Lindqvist-Reis, Patric Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
322 저널기사 Full Papers - Structures and spectra of bis-tripodal iron(II) chelates, (FeL2)2+, where L = tris(pyrazol-1-yl)methane, tris(pyridin-2-yl)methane, bis(pyrazol-1-yl)(pyridin-2-yl)methane and tris(pyridin-2-yl)-phosphine oxide. Magnetism and spin crossover in the (pz)3CH case/ 미리보기
Anderson, Peter A Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
323 저널기사 Full Papers - Studies on lanthanide complexes of the tripodal ligand bis(2-benzimidazolyl-methyl)(2-pyridylmethyl)amine. Crystal structures and luminescence properties/ 미리보기
Yang, Xiao-Ping Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
324 저널기사 Full Papers - Studies on two interesting microporous polymeric clusters ((Et4N)2(MS4Cu4-(CN)4))n (M = Mo or W) with three-dimensional open frameworks: Synthesis, structural characterization, strong optical non-linearities and large optical limiting properties/ 미리보기
Zhang, Chi Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
325 저널기사 Full Papers - Study of the (CaM(C3H2O4)2 (H2O)4). nH2O (M = Mn, Fe or Co (n = 0) and Ni (n = 2)) systems: Synthesis, structure, spectroscopic and magnetic properties/ 미리보기
Muro, Izaskun Gil de Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
326 저널기사 Full papers - Supramolecular assemblies from ditopic ligands and transition metal salts/ 미리보기
Miller, Hamish A Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
327 저널기사 Full papers - Supramolecular interactions and magnetism of metal-radical chains/ 미리보기
Caneschi, Andrea Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
328 저널기사 Full Papers - Syntheses and characterisation of methyltrioxorhenium adducts of low-valence organometallic Lewis bases/ 미리보기
Santos, Ana M Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
329 저널기사 Full Papers - Syntheses and characterization of mixed acetylacetonate-catecholate complexes of zirconium, (Zr3(acac)4-(cat)4 (MeOH)2), (Zr(acac)2(DBcat))2 (H2DBcat = 3,5-di-tert-butylcatechol) and (Zr4(m4-O) (acac)4(DBcat)3(OMe)4-(MeOH))/ 미리보기
Chi, Yun Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
330 저널기사 Full Papers - Syntheses and reactions of some cluster complexes containing C4 ligands with iron, ruthenium and cobalt carbonyls/ 미리보기
Bruce, Michael I Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
331 저널기사 Full Papers - Syntheses and structural studies of lithium complexes of 2-amino-6- methylpyridine/ 미리보기
Jones, Cameron Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
332 저널기사 Full Papers - Syntheses of diiridium complexes with two bridging tetrachalcogenide ligands ((Ir(h5-C5Me5))2 (m-E4)2) (E = Se or S) and their reactions with alkynes forming mono- or di-nuclear dichalcogenolene complexes/ 미리보기
Nagao, Shoken Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
333 저널기사 Full Papers - Syntheses, structures and magnetic properties of three-dimensional co-ordination polymers constructed by dimer subunits/ 미리보기
Sun, Bai-Wang Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
334 저널기사 Full Papers - Synthesis and biological activity of platinum(II) and palladium(II) thiosalicylate complexes with mixed ancillary donor ligands/ 미리보기
Henderson, William Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
335 저널기사 Full Papers - Synthesis and characterisation of infinite co-ordination networks from flexible dipyridyl ligands and cadmium salts/ 미리보기
Plater, M John Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
336 저널기사 Full Papers - Synthesis and characterisation of pendant-arm amino derivatives of 1,4,7-triazacyclononane and alkyl-bridged bis(1,4,7-triazacyclononane) macrocycles and complexation to Cu(II)/ 미리보기
Blake, Alexander J Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
337 저널기사 Full Papers - Synthesis and characterisation of unsymmetrical metal (RuII, OsII) and ferrocenyl complexes of 1,3,5-triethynylbenzene/ 미리보기
Long, Nicholas J Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
338 저널기사 Full Papers - Synthesis and characterization of 2-pyridylalkoxide complexes of titanium, zirconium and tantalum. Crystal structures of TiCp*Me2(OCMePy2) and TaCp*Cl3(OCPy3) (Cp* = h5-C5Me5, Py = C5H4N)/ 미리보기
Fandos, Rosa Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
339 저널기사 Full Papers - Synthesis and characterization of ruthenium quinolin-8-olate complexes. Unexpected formation of a k1-hydro-tris(pyrazolyl)borate complex/ 미리보기
Gemel, Christian Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
340 저널기사 Full Papers - Synthesis and crystallographic characterization of thiazole-2-dithio-carboxylate methyl ester complexes of chromium, tungsten and iron carbonyls/ 미리보기
Raubenheimer, Helgard G Royal Society of Chemistry 2000
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