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1 저널기사 Fast-growing firms as elements of change in Canada’s headquarters city system 미리보기
Rice, Murray D.; Lyons, Donald I.; O’Hagan, Sean B. V.H. Winston 2015
2 저널기사 Fast policy: experimental statecraft at the thresholds of neoliberalism, Jamie Peck and Nik Theodore 미리보기
Cook, Ian R. V.H. Winston 2016
3 저널기사 Feeling the pulse of the city: racial liberalism and the political geographies of tension in postwar Detroit 미리보기
Young, Stephen; Bruzzone, Mario V.H. Winston 2018
4 저널기사 Financialization and urban politics: expanding the optic 미리보기
Ward, Kevin V.H. Winston 2017
5 저널기사 Financial market actors as urban policy-makers: the case of real estate investment trusts in Brazil 미리보기
Sanfelici, Daniel; Halbert, Ludovic V.H. Winston 2019
6 저널기사 “Finding their way”: the negotiation of the city by low-skilled service sector migrant workers in Dublin 미리보기
McPhee, Siobhán Rachel V.H. Winston 2016
7 저널기사 Fiscal decentralization, political centralization, and land urbanization in China 미리보기
He, Canfei; Zhou, Yi; Huang, Zhiji V.H. Winston 2016
8 저널기사 Fiscal geographies: "Placing" taxation in urban geography 미리보기
Tapp, Renee; Kay, Kelly V.H. Winston 2019
9 저널기사 Fitting refugees into the normative narrative of Australian multiculturalism 미리보기
Ratnam, Charishma V.H. Winston 2019
10 저널기사 Fixing financialization in the credit-constrained city 미리보기
Launius, Sarah; Kear, Mark V.H. Winston 2019
11 저널기사 Follow the money: cultural patronage and urban elite geographies 미리보기
Bassens, David; van Heur, Bas; Waiengnier, Maëlys V.H. Winston 2019
12 저널기사 Food and the city: urban agriculture and the new food revolution 미리보기
Mamun, Md Rajibul Al V.H. Winston 2014
13 저널기사 For creative democracy 미리보기
Lake, Robert W. V.H. Winston 2017
14 저널기사 Forest city, Malaysia, and Chinese expansionism 미리보기
Moser, Sarah V.H. Winston 2018
15 저널기사 For John Dewey (and very much also for contemporary critical theory) 미리보기
Purcell, Mark V.H. Winston 2017
16 저널기사 From economic integration to socioeconomic inclusion: day labor worker centers as social intermediaries 미리보기
Visser, M. Anne; Theodore, Nik; Melendez, Edwin J.; Valenzuela, Abel V.H. Winston 2017
17 저널기사 From quiet to bold encroachment: contesting dispossession in Accra’s informal sector 미리보기
Gillespie, Tom V.H. Winston 2017
18 저널기사 From world city to the world in one city: Liverpool through Malay lives 미리보기
Ward, Kevin V.H. Winston 2017
