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1 저널기사 Factor Price Equalization: A Cointegration Approach 미리보기
Burgman, T. A. VERLAG J C B MOHR 1993
2 저널기사 Fels, Gerhard, and George Sutija (Eds.), Protectionism & International Banking 미리보기
Gieseck, A. VERLAG J C B MOHR 1994
3 저널기사 Financial Innovation and the Long-Run Demand for Money in the United Kingdom and in West Germany 미리보기
Mariscal, I. B.-F. VERLAG J C B MOHR 1995
4 저널기사 Financial Integration in the 1920s: A Cointegration Approach 미리보기
Darbar, S. M. VERLAG J C B MOHR 1993
5 저널기사 Financial Repression, Money Growth, and Seignorage: The Polish Experience 미리보기
Van Aarle, B. VERLAG J C B MOHR 1997
6 저널기사 Fingleton, John, Eleanor Fox, Damien Neven, and Paul Seabright, Competition Policy and the Transformation of Central Europe 미리보기
Gerling, K. VERLAG J C B MOHR 1997
7 저널기사 Folke, Steen, Niels Fold, Thyge Enevoldsen, South-South Trade and Development. Manufactures in the New International Division of Labour 미리보기
Langhammer, R. J. VERLAG J C B MOHR 1994
8 저널기사 From Imperial to Regional Trade Preferences: Its Effect on Europe's Intra- and Extra-Regional Trade 미리보기
Anderson, K. VERLAG J C B MOHR 1993
9 저널기사 From Plan to Market: On the Nature of the Transformation Crisis 미리보기
Schmieding, H. VERLAG J C B MOHR 1993
10 저널기사 Frydman, Roman, Andrzej Rapaczynski, and John S. Earle (Eds.), The Privatization Process in Central Europe and The Privatization Process in Russia, Ukraine and the Baltic States 미리보기
Heinrich, R. VERLAG J C B MOHR 1994
11 저널기사 Frydman, Roman, Cheryl W. Gray, and Andrzej Rapaczynski (eds.), Corporate Governance in Central Europe and Russia 미리보기
Buch, C. M. VERLAG J C B MOHR 1997
12 저널기사 Fureng, Dong, Industrialisation and China's Rural Modernisation 미리보기
Raiser, M. VERLAG J C B MOHR 1994
13 저널기사 The Fisher Hypothesis: Evidence from Three High Inflation Economies 미리보기
Phylaktis, K. VERLAG J C B MOHR 1993
