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241 저널기사 A Faster, Safer and More Efficient Payments System: What Do Credit Managers Want 미리보기
Swendseid, Claudia The Association 2016
242 저널기사 A faster TGV for all of Europe 미리보기
Teresko, John Penton/IPC 1995
243 저널기사 A Fast Flexible Docking Method using an Incremental Construction Algorithm 미리보기
Rarey, M Academic Press 1980
244 저널기사 A fast fluidized bed reactor for industrial FCC regenerator 미리보기
Maciel Filho, R Pergamon Press 1980
245 저널기사 A fast heuristic for large-scale capacitated arc routing problems 미리보기
Wøhlk, Sanne; Laporte, Gilbert Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society 2018
246 저널기사 A fast, high-order method for scattering by inhomogeneous media in three dimensions/ 미리보기
Hyde, E. M North-Holland 2003
247 저널기사 A fast, high-order method for scattering by inhomogeneous media in three dimensions/ 미리보기
Hyde, E. M North-Holland 1900
248 저널기사 A fast, high resolution, second-order central scheme for incompressible flows 미리보기
Kupferman, R National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
249 저널기사 A Fast Implementation of Boundary Integral Equation Methods to Calculatethe Propagation of Seismic Waves in Laterally Varying Layered Media 미리보기
Bouchon, M Seismological Society of America, etc.] 1980
250 저널기사 A fast iterative algorithm for eigenvalue determination 미리보기
West, R. P Pergamon Press 1997
251 저널기사 A Fast Iterative Method for Computing Particle Beams Penetrating Matter 미리보기
Boergers, C Academic Press 1980
252 저널기사 A fast iterative route to the optimal angle of rotation in the complex coordinate rotation method: some model applications 미리보기
Bhattacharyya, S. P. Adhikari, S. North Holland 1997
253 저널기사 A fast likelihood approximation for vector general linear processes withlong series: Application to fractional differencing 미리보기
Luceno, A Cambridge University Press 1980
254 저널기사 A fast marching level set method for monotonically advancing fronts 미리보기
Sethian, J. A National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
255 저널기사 A fast method for distinguishing between ordered and chaotic orbits 미리보기
Contopoulos, G Springer-Verlag 1997
256 저널기사 A Fast Method for Recycling Fly Ash: Microwave-Assisted Zeolite Synthesis 미리보기
Querol, X American Chemical Society 1980
257 저널기사 A fast method for the measurement of long spin-lattice relaxation times by single scan inversion recovery experiment/ 미리보기
Bhattacharyya, R North Holland 2004
258 저널기사 A Fast Monte Carlo Algorithm for Estimating Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall 미리보기
Hsieh, M.-H.; Liao, W.-C.; Chen, C.-L. Institutional Investor, Inc 2014
259 저널기사 A Fast Numerical Method for Isothermal Resin Transfer Mold Filling 미리보기
Maier, R. S Wiley [etc.] 1980
260 저널기사 A fast screening method for surface layers on Gram-positive bacteria/ 미리보기
Wahl, Reiner Science and Technology Letters] 2001
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