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341 저널기사 A ferroelectric transparent thin-film transistor 미리보기
Prins, M. W. J American Institute of Physics 1980
342 저널기사 A ‘fertile soil’ for sustainability-related community initiatives: A new analytical framework 미리보기
Filka Sekulova Isabelle Anguelovski Lucia Argüelles Joana Conill Pion Ltd. 2017
343 저널기사 A festival of one’s own: Residential migration, power struggles and the transformation of political sociability in a periurban village 미리보기
Quentin Schnapper Arman Colin 2022
344 저널기사 A festival on the Mafia: Fearless words 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2011
345 저널기사 A Fever of Excitement over Keyword Searching 미리보기
Carter, J. A. unknown 1993
346 저널기사 A few aspects of a semiotic approach to proverbs, with special referenceto two important American publications 미리보기
Litovkina, A. T. Mouton Publishers [etc.] 1993
347 저널기사 A few autoreactive cells in an autoimmune infiltrate control a vast population of nonspecific cells: A tale of smart bombs and the infantry 미리보기
Steinman, L National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
348 저널기사 A few bad apples: An analysis of CEO performance pay and firm productivity 미리보기
Bulan, L.; Sanyal, P.; Yan, Z. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
349 저널기사 A Few Bad Apples? Racial Bias in Policing 미리보기
Goncalves, Felipe; Mello, Steven American Economic Association 2021
350 저널기사 A Few Bad Apples Spoil the Barrel: An Anti-Folk Theorem for Anonymous Repeated Games with Incomplete Information 미리보기
Sugaya, Takuo; Wolitzky, Alexander American Economic Association 2020
351 저널기사 A few case histories of subsurface imaging with EMAP as an aid to seismic processing and interpretation 미리보기
Warren, R. K The European Association of Exploration Geophysicists 1980
352 저널기사 A Few Circumstances and Opinions Regarding the Further Stabilization of Ethnic Border Regions 미리보기
unknown M. E. Sharpe] 2012
353 저널기사 A few comments on pile design 미리보기
Robert, Y National Research Council Canada 1980
354 저널기사 A Few Comments on the Handelsblatt Ranking 2013 미리보기
Klaus Wohlrabe Ifo-Institut fu@r Wirtschaftsforschung 2013
355 저널기사 A few counter-factual hypotheses on the current economic crisis 미리보기
Pasinetti, L. L. Oxford University Press 2012
Zientara, P. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2009
357 저널기사 A Few Delectable Restaurant Stocks-At Discount Prices - You'd think they'd be the ultimate safe haven-we have to eat, right? But the industry's down 34%. Here's the dish on what to buy./ 미리보기
Stires, David Time, inc., etc.] 2000
358 저널기사 A few good women: Gender differences in evaluations of promotability in industrial research and development 미리보기
Post, C.; DiTomaso, N.; Lowe, S. R.; Farris, G. F.; Cordero, R. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
359 저널기사 A few good women?on top management teams 미리보기
Krishnan, H. A.; Park, D. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
360 저널기사 A Few Important Things Those computers Can't Do / 미리보기
Crowe 1985
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