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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
51461 저널기사 The future of trade liberalization in the NAFTA countries 미리보기
Meilke, K. D.; Huff, K. Canadian Agricultural Economics Society; 1997 2000
51462 저널기사 The Future of Trade Receivables Securitization in Europe 미리보기
Kerle, P.; Gullifer, L. Institutional Investor, Inc. 2013
51463 저널기사 The future of trade shows: insights from a scenario analysis 미리보기
Kirchgeorg, M.; Jung, K.; Klante, O. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
51464 저널기사 The Future of Tradition: Customary Law, Common Law, and Legal Pluralism 미리보기
51465 저널기사 The Future of Transfer Pricing 미리보기
de Ruiter, Marlies Tax Analysts 2016
51466 저널기사 The future of transport: No loopy idea 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2013
51467 저널기사 The future of Turkey in the European Union 미리보기
Guney, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
51468 저널기사 THE FUTURE OF TV (MAYBE) 미리보기
Hempel, Jessi Time, inc., etc.] 2012
51469 저널기사 The Future of Two-Factor Authentication. 미리보기
Rechtman Yigal M. New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants 2017
51470 저널기사 The Future of Union Organizing: Building for Tomorrow - Edited by Gregor Gall 미리보기
MCCALLUM, J. K. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011
51471 저널기사 The Future of Unions: Is the Anglo-Saxon Model a Fatality, or Will Contrasting National Trajectories Persist? 미리보기
Boyer, R. LSE 1995
51472 저널기사 The future of universal banking 미리보기
Kouretas, G. P.; Papadopoulos, A. P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
51473 저널기사 The future of universities The digital degree 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2014
51474 저널기사 The future of universities Troubled halls 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2012
51475 저널기사 The future of university–industry collaboration: scenario analysis based on case of Estonia 미리보기
Ashyrov, Gaygysyz; Alunurm, Reelika; Pentus, Kristian; Vadi, Maaja Korean Society for Laboratory Medicine 2012
51476 저널기사 The Future of UNIX: 64 Bits 미리보기
Simpson, D Technical Pub. Co., etc.] 1980
51477 저널기사 The Future of Unskilled Labor : 미리보기
Horan, J. Michael 1995
51478 저널기사 The Future of Urban Environments: Implications for the Business Community 미리보기
Gappert, G. JAI PRESS INC 1993
51479 저널기사 The Future of U.S. Agricultural Cooperatives: A Neo-Institutional Approach 미리보기
Cook, M. L American Agricultural Economics Association 1980
51480 저널기사 The Future of U. S. Agricultural Cooperatives: A Neo-Institutional Approach 미리보기
Cook, M. L. AAEA 1995
맨앞 이전 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 
