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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
621 저널기사 A Fixed-Income Market View of Mortgage REIT Valuations 미리보기
Gauthier, L. Institutional Investor 2014
622 저널기사 A fixed point formula of Lefschetz type in Arakelov geometry I: statement and proof/ 미리보기
K�hler, Kai Springer-Verlag 2001
623 저널기사 A fixed-point index and existence theorems for semilinear equations in cones/ 미리보기
Cremins, Casey T Pergamon Press 2001
624 저널기사 A fixed point iterative algorithm for solving equations modeling the multi-stage flash desalination process 미리보기
El-Dessouky, H North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
625 저널기사 A Fixed Point Theorem in Probabilistic Metric Spaces and an Application 미리보기
Pap, E Academic Press 1980
626 저널기사 A fixed point theory for weakly inward S-contractive maps/ 미리보기
Lan, K Q Pergamon Press 2001
627 저널기사 A fix in the forests: relief labor and the production of reforestation infrastructure in Depression-Era Canada 미리보기
Michael Ekers Pion Ltd. 2015
628 저널기사 A Fixpoint Characterization of Abductive Logic Programs 미리보기
Inoue, K Elsevier Science Pub. Co 1980
629 저널기사 A Fixture on a Changing Court: Justice Stevens and the Establishment Clause 미리보기
Chemerinsky, E. Northwestern University School of Law 2012
630 저널기사 A Flagellar Sheath Protein of Helicobacter pylori Is Identical to HpaA, a Putative N-Acetylneuraminyllactose-Binding Hemagglutinin, but Is Not anAdhesin for AGS Cells 미리보기
Jones, A. C American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
631 저널기사 A flag for the north-east 미리보기
632 저널기사 A flag problem in Texas 미리보기
633 저널기사 A Flat Inclined Modular Photobioreactor for Outdoor Mass Cultivation of Photoautotrophs 미리보기
Hu, Q John Wiley & Sons[etc.] 1980
634 저널기사 A Flattening Transformation for P-SV Waves in a Transversely Isotropic Earth 미리보기
Bhattacharya, S. N Seismological Society of America, etc.] 1980
635 저널기사 A Flat Triangular Shell Element with Loof Nodes 미리보기
Poulsen, P. N Wiley [etc.] 1980
636 저널기사 A flavanone and a dihydrodibenzoxepin from Bauhinia variegata/ 미리보기
Reddy, M. V Pergamon Press 2003
637 저널기사 A Flavin Reductase Stimulates DszA and DszC Proteins of Rhodococcus erythropolis IGTS8 in Vitro 미리보기
Xi, L Academic Press 1980
638 저널기사 A Flavone C-Glycoside and an Aromatic Glucoside from Gentiana Species 미리보기
Kuo, S.-H Pergamon Press 1996
639 저널기사 A Flavone from Manilkara indica as a Specific Inhibitor against Aldose Reductase In Vitro/ 미리보기
Haraguchi, H Georg Thieme Verlag 2003
640 저널기사 A "flavone-polysaccharide" redefined as a mixture of 6-methoxyluteolin penta- and hexa-O-glycosides/ 미리보기
Markham, K. R Pergamon Press 2003
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