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641 저널기사 A flavonoid sulphate and other compounds from the roots of Centaurea bracteata/ 미리보기
Flamini, Guido Pergamon Press 2001
642 저널기사 A flavonol C-glycoside from Moghania macrophylla 미리보기
Wu, J.-B Pergamon Press 1997
643 저널기사 A flavonol glycoside from embelia schimperi leaves 미리보기
Arot, L. O. M Pergamon Press 1997
644 저널기사 A flavonol glycoside-lignan ester and accompanying acylated glucosides from Monochaetum multiflorum/ 미리보기
Isaza, Jose H Pergamon Press 2001
645 저널기사 A flavonol tetraglycoside from Sophora japonica seeds/ 미리보기
Wang, J. H Pergamon Press 2003
646 저널기사 A Flavorful Tour Of Atlanta 미리보기
Delta Communications, etc.]
647 저널기사 A Flavo-Thiazolio-Cyclophane as a Functional Model for Pyruvate Oxidase 미리보기
Mattei, P VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, [etc.] 1980
648 저널기사 A Flawed Construct? Understanding and Unpicking the Concept of Resilience in the Context of Economic Hardship 미리보기
Paul Hickman Cambridge University Press 2018
649 저널기사 A Flawed Framework: Why the Liberal International Order Concept Is Misguided 미리보기
Charles L. Glaser MIT Press 2019
650 저널기사 A Flawed Freedom: Rethinking South African Liberation by John S. Saul London: Pluto Press, 2014. Pp. 208. £14·99 (pbk) 미리보기
Lars Buur Cambridge Univ. Pr. 2016
651 저널기사 A flawed implementation of sustainable tourism: the experience of Akamas, Cyprus 미리보기
Ioannides, D Butterworths 1995
652 저널기사 A flawed perspective: the limitations inherent within the study of Chinese nationalism 미리보기
CARLSON, A. Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2009
653 저널기사 A fleet deployment model to minimise the covering time of maritime rescue missions 미리보기
X. Chen; R. Yan; S. Wu; Z. Liu; H. Mo; S. Wang Taylor & Francis 2023
654 저널기사 A fleet of Black Hawk helicopters buried under foam, the birth of edible water balls, and how the DNA of the coffee bean could transform the industry 미리보기
unknown IQA 2014
655 저널기사 A Flexible AC Transmission System "Steady State and Dynamic Performance Analysis 미리보기
Dave, M. P Hemisphere Pub. Corp 1980
656 저널기사 A flexible and concerned European Union – A new proposal 미리보기
Bruno Dallago and Steven Rosefielde Akademiai Kiado Rt. 2021
657 저널기사 A flexible approach for estimating the effects of covariates on health expenditures 미리보기
Gilleskie, D. B.; Mroz, T. A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
658 저널기사 A flexible approach to parametric inference in nonlinear and time varying time series models 미리보기
Koop, G.; Potter, S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
659 저널기사 A Flexible Bali-End Milling System Model for Cutting Force and MachiningError Prediction 미리보기
Feng, H.-Y American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1980
660 저널기사 A Flexible Boundary for Three-Dimensional DEM Particle Assemblies 미리보기
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