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A Grounded Typology of Consumer Conceptualizations of Failure
Otnes, C. C.; Fischer, E.; Tuncay, L.; Rodriguez, A.
Association for Consumer Research
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Generaciones/Generations: Cultural Identity, Memory, and the Market
Penaloza, L.
Association for Consumer Research
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Gentrification and Consumption: An Exploratory Study
Ilkucan, A.; Sandikci, O.
Association for Consumer Research
4 |
Giving Gold Jewelry and Coins As Gifts: The Interplay of Utilitarianism and Symbolism
Ertimur, B.; Sandikci, O.
Association for Consumer Research
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Global Consumption: (How) Does Culture Matter?
Russell, C. A.; Valenzuela, A.
Association for Consumer Research
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Goal-Motivated Reasoning: The Lure of the "Yes, I Can" Conclusion
de Mello, G. E.; MacInnis, D.; Stewart, D.
Association for Consumer Research
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Goals and Mindsets in Consumer Choice
Chernev, A.; Kivetz, R.
Association for Consumer Research
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Goals as Excuses vs. Guides: The Liberating Effect of Perceived Goal Progress on Choice
Fishbach, A.; Dhar, R.
Association for Consumer Research
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Goal Strength, Preference, and the Structure of Goals
Markman, A. B.; Brendl, C. M.; Kim, K.
Association for Consumer Research
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Great Expectations?! Assortment Size, Expectations and Purchase Likelihood
Diehl, K.; Poynor, C.
Association for Consumer Research
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Guilt and Purchase Commitment: Understanding Feelings of Guilt in a Retail Purchase Context
Dahl, D. W.; Honea, H.; Manchanda, R. V.
Association for Consumer Research
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The Genie in the Bottle: How Prize Level and Salience of Odds of Winning Affect Promotion Attractiveness and Consumption Intentions in Instant Monetary Prize Promotions
Makienko, I.; Moritz, B.
Association for Consumer Research
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The Global Innovator and Country Innovativeness: A Cross-National Study of Consumer Propensity to Buy New Products
Tellis, G. J.; Yin, E.; Bell, S.
Association for Consumer Research
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The Good, the Bad and the Cheap: The Impact of Cultural Orientation on Inferred Motives Behind Bargaining Offers
Valenzuela, A.; Srivastava, J.; Lee, S.
Association for Consumer Research