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2023 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 A generalised SEIRD model with implicit social distancing mechanism: A Bayesian approach for the identification of the spread of COVID-19 with applications in Brazil and Rio de Janeiro state 미리보기
D. T. Volpatto ; A. C. M. Resende ; L. dos Anjos ; J.V.O. Silva ; C. M. Dias ; R.C. Almeida & S.M.C. Malta Operational Research Society. 2023
2 저널기사 Game Theory, Diplomatic History and Security Studies. By Frank C. Zagare. New York: Oxford University Press, 2019. 208p. $115.00 cloth, $58.00 paper. 미리보기
Anne E. Sartori Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association 2023
3 저널기사 Geld und europäisches Verfassungsrecht. Institutionelle Wertesicherung durch Zwangsgelder in der Europäischen Union 미리보기
Erdmann ; Max Duncker & Humblot. 2023
4 저널기사 Gendered radicalisation and ‘everyday practices’: An analysis of extreme right and Islamic State women-only forums 미리보기
Yannick Veilleux-Lepage ; Alexandra Phelan ; Ayse D. Lokmanoglu Cambridge University Press 2023
5 저널기사 Gender Identification and Survey Weighting: A Shifting Landscape 미리보기
Brian R. Urlacher American Political Science Association 2023
6 저널기사 Gendering the GOP: Intraparty Politics and Republican Women’s Representation in Congress. By Catherine N. Wineinger. New York: Oxford University Press, 2022. 232p. $99.00 cloth, $27.95 paper. 미리보기
Erin C. Cassese Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association 2023
Time, inc., etc.] 2023
8 저널기사 Generations and the changing character of support for European unification in the Netherlands: a research note 미리보기
Roderik Rekker ; Wouter van der Brug Boom 2023
9 저널기사 Geopolitics, Supply Chains, and International Relations in East Asia. Edited by Etel Solingen. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. 319p. $99.99 cloth, $34.99 paper. 미리보기
Evelyn Goh Cambridge University Press for the American Political Science Association 2023
10 저널기사 Get Ready for the Mindset Shift of ‘Retro Capitalism’ 미리보기
LICHTENBERG ; NICK Time, inc., etc.] 2023
11 저널기사 Getting By: Neoliberal Governmentality and the Lack of Success in Instilling Financial Self-Reliance 미리보기
YEN KIAT CHONG Cambridge University Press 2023
12 저널기사 Getting sentimental about the need for more research on nostalgia in advertising 미리보기
Charles R. Taylor World advertising research center 2023
13 저널기사 Getting the Message Out: Why Mail-Delivered GOTV Interventions Succeed or Fail 미리보기
Alexandre Fortier-Chouinard ; Marc André Bodet ; François Gélineau ; Justin Savoie ; Mathieu Ouimet American Political Science Association 2023
14 단행본 Gigwork im deutschen und US-amerikanischen Recht 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Katrin Treppschuh Nomos 2023
15 저널기사 Global intellectual history in International Relations: Hierarchy, empire, and the case of late colonial Indian international thought 미리보기
Martin J. Bayly Cambridge University Press 2023
16 저널기사 Globalization and Female Empowerment: Evidence from Myanmar 미리보기
Teresa Molina ; Mari Tanaka University of Chicago Press 2023
17 저널기사 Global migration: Implications for international business scholarship 미리보기
Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 2023
18 저널기사 Global Patterns of Contemporary Welfare States 미리보기
VALON HASANAJ Cambridge University Press 2023
19 저널기사 Global Taiwanese: Asian skilled labour markets in a changing world 미리보기
Academy of International Business and University of South Carolina [etc.] 2023
20 저널기사 Global Trade and Cultural Authentication: The Kalabari of the Niger Delta edited by Joanne B. Eicher Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2022. Pp. 330. $30 (pbk) 미리보기
Nimi Wariboko Cambridge Univ. Pr. 2023
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