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American School Food Service Association] 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 A Guide to ASFSA : 미리보기
American School Food Service Association] 1989
2 저널기사 A Guide to Individual Retirement Accounts 미리보기
American School Food Service Association] 1984
3 저널기사 Gaining an Edge Through Education : 미리보기
American School Food Service Association] 1989
4 저널기사 Gaining French Fry Fame : 미리보기
American School Food Service Association] 1989
5 저널기사 GAO Report Questions Safety of lmported Foods : 미리보기
American School Food Service Association] 1987
6 저널기사 Garnishes : 미리보기
American School Food Service Association] 1986
7 저널기사 GATORS Spells Computerized Relif for School Food Service 미리보기
American School Food Service Association] 1986
8 저널기사 General Foods Seminar Indentifies Trends 미리보기
American School Food Service Association] 1986
9 저널기사 Gennings links today with tomorrow : 미리보기
American School Food Service Association] 1990
10 저널기사 Georgia Food Service Makes a Better Meat Loaf : 미리보기
American School Food Service Association] 1987
11 저널기사 Georgia Hosts First Agriculture/Industry Seminar 미리보기
American School Food Service Association] 1984
12 저널기사 Georgia YAC Projects Hike Partipation 미리보기
American School Food Service Association] 1986
13 저널기사 Get a rise out of your students 미리보기
American School Food Service Association] 1991
14 저널기사 Get on the Right Track 미리보기
American School Food Service Association] 1984
15 저널기사 Get Ready for National School Lunch Week : 미리보기
American School Food Service Association] 1988
16 저널기사 Get Ready, Get Set, and Go with ASFSA Travel Tips 미리보기
American School Food Service Association] 1984
17 저널기사 Get Set for National Egg Salad Week 미리보기
American School Food Service Association] 1986
18 저널기사 Get Stuck on Peanuts 미리보기
American School Food Service Association] 1986
19 저널기사 Get that Degree : 미리보기
American School Food Service Association] 1989
20 저널기사 Getting a Handle on Quality Control 미리보기
American School Food Service Association] 1984
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