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301 저널기사 GS3: scalable self-configuration and self-healing in wireless sensor networks/ 미리보기
Zhang, H Elsevier 2003
302 저널기사 GSSP Preface/Overview 미리보기
Ozier, W. ELSEVIER 1998
303 저널기사 Guaranty funds and risk-taking: Evidence from the insurance industry 미리보기
Lee, S.-J. ELSEVIER 1997
304 저널기사 Guest editorial /// 미리보기
Marsan, Marco Ajmone Elsevier 2001
305 저널기사 Guest editorial: Finite sample and asymptotic methods in econometrics 미리보기
Smith, R. J.;Boswijk, H. P. Elsevier 2002
306 저널기사 Guestworker migration, remittances and the extended family: evidence from Pakistan 미리보기
Ilahi, N. ELSEVIER 1999
307 저널기사 Guide for Authors 미리보기
unknown ELSEVIER 2002
308 저널기사 Guide for authors 미리보기
unknown ELSEVIER 2002
309 저널기사 Guide for authors 미리보기
unknown ELSEVIER 2002
310 저널기사 Guidelines for the Protecting the Corporate against Viruses 미리보기
Zenkin, D. ELSEVIER 2001
311 저널기사 Guidelines for tool store dimensioning in flexible manufacturing using an analytical technique 미리보기
Zavanella, L. Elsevier 1994
312 저널기사 The gains from agricultural research under distorted trade 미리보기
Murphy, J. A. ELSEVIER 1993
313 저널기사 The gender of justice system: Women's access to justice in Turkey 미리보기
Hatıpoğlu-Aydın, Duygu; Aydın, Mustafa Berkay Elsevier 2016
314 저널기사 The gender wage gap in Russia: Some empirical evidence 미리보기
Newell, A. ELSEVIER 1996
315 저널기사 The genealogy of modern theoretical public economics: From first best to second best 미리보기
Guesnerie, R. ELSEVIER 1995
316 저널기사 The Generalized Dynamic Factor Model: Identification and Estimation 미리보기
Forni, M. ELSEVIER 2000
317 저널기사 The genesis of the trusts: Rationalization in empty core markets 미리보기
McWilliams, A. ELSEVIER 1994
318 저널기사 The genetic toxicity of 3,3',4,4'-tetrachloroazobenzene and 3,3',4,4'-tetrachloroazoxybenzene: discordance between acute mouse bone marrow and subchronic mouse peripheral blood micronucleus test results/ 미리보기
Witt, Kristine L Tice, Raymond R; van Birgelen, Ang�lique P J M Zeiger, Errol; Elsevier 2000
319 저널기사 The genotoxicity of 3-nitrobenzanthrone and the nitropyrene lactones in human lymphoblasts/ 미리보기
Covarrubias, Maricela; Phousongphouang, Patricia T Grosovsky, Andrew J; Eastmond, David A; Arey, Janet Elsevier 2000
320 저널기사 The genotoxic risk of hospital, pharmacy and medical personnel occupationally exposed to cytostatic drugs - evaluation by the micronucleus assay/ 미리보기
Sautter, Inge; Gr�bmair, Stefan; Radon, Katja; Pethran, Angelika; Fruhmann, G�nter Hessel, Harald Maisch, Bettina; Elsevier 2001
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