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National retail federation 삭제


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1 저널기사 GameStop puts beacons to the test 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2014
2 저널기사 Gelson's Markets finds and nurtures local brands 미리보기
National retail federation 2019
3 저널기사 Geolocation Mapping the latest frontier of customer engagement 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2013
4 저널기사 Getting Product from A to B From omnichannel fulfillment to global trade, nine challenges facing retail supply chain executives 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2019
5 저널기사 Getting Smarter Mobile enterprise apps move from the blueprint stage to smartphones at Family Dollar 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2014
6 저널기사 Giant Food's recent ad campaign highlights how the grocer helps with everyday challenges 미리보기
National retail federation 2019
7 저널기사 Gift cards are moving past special occasion purchases 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2012
8 저널기사 GIFT CARDS Bay area pizza chain gets a lot of mileage from new e-gift card program 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2015
9 저널기사 GIFT CARDS New program opens the stock market to the masses 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2016
10 저널기사 Gigi's Cupcakes partners with Social Candy to implement Facebook campaigns 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2012
11 저널기사 Global economic outlook 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2015
12 저널기사 Global Powers of Retailing Fastest 50 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2015
13 저널기사 Global Powers of Retailing geographical anlaysis 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2015
14 저널기사 Global Powers of Retailing Product sector anlaysis 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2015
15 저널기사 Global Powers of Retailing Top 250 highlights 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2015
16 저널기사 Global Sourcing Retailers and manufacturers join Fair Factories Clearinghouse in developing an XML standard 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2012
17 저널기사 Godiva uses testing and targeting tool for deeper customer experiences 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2012
18 저널기사 Going international to solve the retail world's challenges 미리보기
National retail federation 2019
19 저널기사 Going the Distance Fighting the last-mile battle 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2019
20 저널기사 Government vendor ibSupply.com tries a cloud-based solution for its search needs 미리보기
unknown National retail federation 2017
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