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181 저널기사 Giant surface layer relaxation for Be (1010) 미리보기
Hjortstam, O North-Holland Pub. Co 1996
182 저널기사 Giant temperature-dependence in angle-resolved ultraviolet-photoemissionfrom Au(100) 미리보기
Matzdorf, R North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
183 저널기사 Giant yield enhancements for keV ion scattering: the edge-effect rainbow 미리보기
Anz, S. J North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
184 저널기사 Gibbs entropy invariants of motion/ 미리보기
Sarris, C North-Holland Pub. Co 2004
185 저널기사 Giffen paradoxes in quantum market games 미리보기
Sladkowski, J North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
186 저널기사 Gift giving with emotions 미리보기
Ruffle, Bradley J North-Holland Pub. Co 1999
187 저널기사 Giulia Iori/ 미리보기
North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
188 저널기사 gl(22) current superalgebra and non-unitary conformal field theory/ 미리보기
Ding, X. M. Gould, M. D.; Zhang, Y. Z. North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
189 저널기사 Glass and percolation transitions in dense attractive micellar system/ 미리보기
Mallamace, F Gambadauro, P; Lombardo, D; Beneduci, R; Chen, S H North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
190 저널기사 Glass does not play dice: observation of non-random organization of atomic bond tensions in glasses/ 미리보기
Rabin, Y. Kustanovich, T. North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
191 저널기사 Glasses and local packings 미리보기
Aste, T. Coniglio, A. North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
192 저널기사 Glasses in mantle xenoliths from western Victoria, Australia, and their relevance to mantle processes 미리보기
Yaxley, G. M North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
193 저널기사 Global asymptotic stability of a larger class of neural networks with constant time delay/ 미리보기
Arik, S North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
194 저널기사 Global asymptotic stability of Hopfield neural networks with transmission delays 미리보기
Wei, X.; Xu, J. Zhang, Q. North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
195 저널기사 Global behaviour of a system with imperfect private-public substitutability 미리보기
Zhang, J North-Holland Pub. Co 1998
196 저널기사 Global bifurcations in the Takens-Bogdanov normal form with D4 symmetry near the O(2) limit/ 미리보기
Rucklidge, A M North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
197 저널기사 Global distribution of beryllium isotopes in deep ocean water as derivedfrom Fe-Mn crusts 미리보기
Von Blanckenburg, F North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
198 저널기사 Global existence of periodic solutions of BAM neural networks with variable coefficients/ 미리보기
Guo, S North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
199 저널기사 Global exponential convergence analysis of delayed neural networks with time-varying delays/ 미리보기
Wei, X.; Xu, J. Zhang, Q. North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
200 저널기사 Global exponential stability of Hopfield neural networks with continuously distributed delays/ 미리보기
Zhang, Q North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
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