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61 저널기사 Gender discrimination without gender difference: Theory and policy responses 미리보기
Francois, Patrick North-Holland Pub. Co 1998
62 저널기사 General criterion for the existence of supertube and BIon in curved target space 미리보기
Park, D. K North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
63 저널기사 General Ginsparg-Wilson fermions and index 미리보기
Kerler, Werner North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
64 저널기사 Generalisation of the modified Weyl-Berry conjecture for drums with jagged boundaries/ 미리보기
Homolya, S. North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
65 저널기사 Generalization of the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy: logistic-like and generalized cosine maps at the chaos threshold/ 미리보기
Tsallis, Constantino Tirnakli, Ugur Ananos, Garin F J; North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
66 저널기사 Generalization of the Maier-Saupe theory of the nematics within Tsallis thermostatistics/ 미리보기
B�y�kkili�, F; Kayacan, O Demirhan, D North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
67 저널기사 Generalizations of dynamical mean field theory by the lace expansion/ 미리보기
Keiter, H North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
68 저널기사 Generalized conditional symmetries of nonlinear differential-difference equations/ 미리보기
Qu, Chang-Zheng Chou, Kai-Seng North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
69 저널기사 Generalized entropies and quantum entanglement 미리보기
Canosa, N North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
70 저널기사 Generalized entropies from first principles/ 미리보기
Almeida, M P North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
71 저널기사 Generalized extended tanh-function method and its application to (1+1)-dimensional dispersive long wave equation/ 미리보기
Zheng, X North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
72 저널기사 Generalized Gear's method for computing the flow of a viscoelastic fluid 미리보기
Ariel, P. D North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
73 저널기사 Generalized Hausdorff inverse moment problem 미리보기
Pintarelli, M. B North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
74 저널기사 Generalized hydrodynamics in Enskog gases/ 미리보기
Rangel-Huerta, A Velasco, R M North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
75 저널기사 Generalized Klauder-Perelomov and Gazeau-Klauder coherent states for Landau levels/ 미리보기
Fakhri, H North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
76 저널기사 Generalized Langevin equation for nonequilibrium systems/ 미리보기
Mcphie, M G Daivis, P J; Evans, D J Snook, I K; Ennis, J; North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
77 저널기사 Generalized multiple scale reproducing kernel particle methods 미리보기
Liu, W. K North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
78 저널기사 Generalized parton distributions 미리보기
Diehl, M North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
79 저널기사 Generalized persistence probability in a dynamic economic index/ 미리보기
Ren, F North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
80 저널기사 Generalized pions in dense QCD 미리보기
Rho, Mannque North-Holland Pub. Co 2000
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