101 |
Generation of higher-order atomic dipole squeezing in a high-Q micromaser cavity. (II) Effect of nonlinear one-photon processes/
Xie, Rui Hua Smith, Vedene H
North-Holland Pub. Co
102 |
Generation of higher-order atomic dipole squeezing in a high-Q micromaser cavity. (III) Effect of the dynamic Stark shift in two-photon processes/
Xie, Rui Hua Smith, Vedene H
North-Holland Pub. Co
103 |
Generation of jets on K3 surfaces/
Bauer, Th
North-Holland Pub. Co
104 |
Generation of short wavelength electrostatic modes by rotating dust grains in magnetized plasmas/
Tskhakaya, D. D. Shukla, P. K.
North-Holland Pub. Co
105 |
Generation of the bosonic string theory solutions from the stationary Einstein fields via projection symmetry/
Kechkin, Oleg V
North-Holland Pub. Co
106 |
Generation of the Si(111)-(2 x 1) surface reconstruction by a rapid radiation quench
Kulakov, M. A
North-Holland Pub. Co
107 |
Generative complexity in semigroup varieties/
Bilski, Marcin
North-Holland Pub. Co
108 |
Generic hyperplane section of curves and an application to regularity bounds in positive characteristic/
Ballico, Edoardo
North-Holland Pub. Co
109 |
Generic method for calculations of magnetic dipolar anisotropy energy in rough thin films/
Choe, Sug-Bong
North-Holland Pub. Co
110 |
Generic occurrence of rings in rotating systems/
Benet, L Seligman, T H
North-Holland Pub. Co
111 |
Genotypes with phenotypes: adventures in an RNA toy world
Schuster, P
North-Holland Pub. Co
112 |
Genuine correlations of like-sign particles in hadronic Z0 decays
Abbiendi, G
North-Holland Pub. Co
113 |
Geochemical consequences of melt transport in 2-D: The sensitivity of trace elements to mantle dynamics
Spiegelman, M
North-Holland Pub. Co
114 |
Geochemical diversity of the large lava field on the flank of the East Pacific Rise at 8�7'S
Hall, L. S
North-Holland Pub. Co
115 |
Geochemistry of gabbro sills in the crust-mantle transition zone of the Oman ophiolite: implications for the origin of the oceanic lower crust
Kelemen, P. B
North-Holland Pub. Co
116 |
Geochemistry of lavas from the Ahu and Tupa volcanic fields. Easter Hotspot, southeast Pacific: Implications for intraplate magma genesis near a spreading axis
Haase, K. M
North-Holland Pub. Co
117 |
Geochemistry of meteorite-rich marine limestone strata and fossil meteorites from the lower Ordovician at Kinnekulle, Sweden
Schmitz, B
North-Holland Pub. Co
118 |
Geochronology and Nd isotopic data of Grenville-age rocks in the Colombian Andes: new constraints for Late Proterozoic-Early Paleozoic paleocontinental reconstructions of the Americas
Restrepo-Pace, P. A
North-Holland Pub. Co
119 |
Geodesics on extensions of Lie groups and stability: thesuperconductivity equation/
Vizman, Cornelia
North-Holland Pub. Co
120 |
Geodynamical implications from the correlation of surface geology and seismic tomographic structure
Cadek, O
North-Holland Pub. Co