1 |
Game Changer: The Impact of 9/11 on North American Security, by Jonathan Paquin and Patrick James, eds
Sands, Christopher
University of Toronto Press
2 |
Gender essentialism in Canadian foreign aid commitments to women, peace, and security
Tiessen, Rebecca
University of Toronto Press
3 |
Geopolitique du monde arabe Georges Mutin Editions Ellipses, Carrefours, 4e edition, Paris, 2012, 276 pages
Yucesoy, V.
University of Toronto Press
4 |
G.I. contre Jihad: le match nul sous Georges W Bush., Pierre-Alain Clement, Presse de l'Universite du Quebec, Quebec, 2010
Morency-Laflamme, J.
University of Toronto Press
5 |
Global Ecopolitics: Crisis, Governance, and Justice, by Peter John Stoett
Macfarlane, Daniel
University of Toronto Press
6 |
Global health governance:international law and public health in a divided world
법학도서관 대출가능
Obijiofor Aginam
University of Toronto Press
7 |
Globalization and the National Security State, by Norrin M. Ripsman and T.V. Paul
Heine, Jorge
University of Toronto Press
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Global networks against crime: Using the Financial Action Task Force as a model?
Jakobi, Anja P.
University of Toronto Press
9 |
Global security challenges: Proceedings from the first Canada-United States roundtable on international security
Martin, P.; Yalowitz, K.
University of Toronto Press
10 |
God in the Tumult of the Global Square: Religion in Civil Society, by Mark Juergensmeyer, Dinah Griego, and John Soboslai
Mellon, James G.
University of Toronto Press
11 |
Governing Fables: Learning from Public Sector Narratives, Sandford Borins, Information Age Publishing: Charlotte NC, 2011, pp. 291
Althaus, C.
University of Toronto Press
12 |
Governing from the Bench: The Supreme Court of Canada and the Judicial Role, Emmett Macfarlane, Vancouver: UBC Press, 2013, pp. 241
Snow, D.
University of Toronto Press
13 |
Governmental Interventions and Judicial Decision Making: The Supreme Court of Canada in the Age of the Charter
Radmilovic, V.
University of Toronto Press
14 |
Government Formation in Multi-Level Settings: Party Strategy and Institutional Constraints Irina Stefuriuc. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, pp. 181
Abedi, A.
University of Toronto Press
15 |
Grassroots Liberals: Organizing for Local and National Politics. Royce Koop. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2011, 228 pages
Wisernan, N.
University of Toronto Press
16 |
The Greek and Roman critics
법학도서관 대출가능
G. M. A. Grube
University of Toronto Press
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Greener pastures:decentralizing the regulation of agricultural pollution
법학도서관 대출가능
Elizabeth Brubaker
University of Toronto Press
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Grounded: The Case for Abolishing the United States Air Force, by Robert Farley
Vucetic, Srdjan
University of Toronto Press
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Guide du maintien de la paix : espaces francophones et operations de paix, David Morin et Michel Liegeois (dir.), Athena editions, Montreal, 2012, 288 pages
St-Paul, R.-A.
University of Toronto Press
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The geopolitical meaning of a contemporary visual arts upsurge at the Canada-US border
Amilhat-Szary, A.-L.
University of Toronto Press