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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Game Changer: The Impact of 9/11 on North American Security, by Jonathan Paquin and Patrick James, eds 미리보기
Sands, Christopher University of Toronto Press 2015
2 저널기사 Gender essentialism in Canadian foreign aid commitments to women, peace, and security 미리보기
Tiessen, Rebecca University of Toronto Press 2015
3 저널기사 Geopolitique du monde arabe Georges Mutin Editions Ellipses, Carrefours, 4e edition, Paris, 2012, 276 pages 미리보기
Yucesoy, V. University of Toronto Press 2014
4 저널기사 G.I. contre Jihad: le match nul sous Georges W Bush., Pierre-Alain Clement, Presse de l'Universite du Quebec, Quebec, 2010 미리보기
Morency-Laflamme, J. University of Toronto Press 2013
5 저널기사 Global Ecopolitics: Crisis, Governance, and Justice, by Peter John Stoett 미리보기
Macfarlane, Daniel University of Toronto Press 2015
6 단행본 Global health governance:international law and public health in a divided world 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Obijiofor Aginam University of Toronto Press 2005
7 저널기사 Globalization and the National Security State, by Norrin M. Ripsman and T.V. Paul 미리보기
Heine, Jorge University of Toronto Press 2015
8 저널기사 Global networks against crime: Using the Financial Action Task Force as a model? 미리보기
Jakobi, Anja P. University of Toronto Press 2014
9 저널기사 Global security challenges: Proceedings from the first Canada-United States roundtable on international security 미리보기
Martin, P.; Yalowitz, K. University of Toronto Press 2012
10 저널기사 God in the Tumult of the Global Square: Religion in Civil Society, by Mark Juergensmeyer, Dinah Griego, and John Soboslai 미리보기
Mellon, James G. University of Toronto Press 2016
11 저널기사 Governing Fables: Learning from Public Sector Narratives, Sandford Borins, Information Age Publishing: Charlotte NC, 2011, pp. 291 미리보기
Althaus, C. University of Toronto Press 2013
12 저널기사 Governing from the Bench: The Supreme Court of Canada and the Judicial Role, Emmett Macfarlane, Vancouver: UBC Press, 2013, pp. 241 미리보기
Snow, D. University of Toronto Press 2013
13 저널기사 Governmental Interventions and Judicial Decision Making: The Supreme Court of Canada in the Age of the Charter 미리보기
Radmilovic, V. University of Toronto Press 2013
14 저널기사 Government Formation in Multi-Level Settings: Party Strategy and Institutional Constraints Irina Stefuriuc. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, pp. 181 미리보기
Abedi, A. University of Toronto Press 2014
15 저널기사 Grassroots Liberals: Organizing for Local and National Politics. Royce Koop. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2011, 228 pages 미리보기
Wisernan, N. University of Toronto Press 2014
16 단행본 The Greek and Roman critics 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
G. M. A. Grube University of Toronto Press 1968
17 단행본 Greener pastures:decentralizing the regulation of agricultural pollution 미리보기
법학도서관 대출가능 열기
Elizabeth Brubaker University of Toronto Press 2007
18 저널기사 Grounded: The Case for Abolishing the United States Air Force, by Robert Farley 미리보기
Vucetic, Srdjan University of Toronto Press 2015
19 저널기사 Guide du maintien de la paix : espaces francophones et operations de paix, David Morin et Michel Liegeois (dir.), Athena editions, Montreal, 2012, 288 pages 미리보기
St-Paul, R.-A. University of Toronto Press 2013
20 저널기사 The geopolitical meaning of a contemporary visual arts upsurge at the Canada-US border 미리보기
Amilhat-Szary, A.-L. University of Toronto Press 2012
