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1 저널기사 A General Algorithm for Compressible and Incompressible Flows Part III: The Semi-implicit Form 미리보기
Codina, R Wiley 1980
2 저널기사 A General Dependence Test and Applications 미리보기
Johnson, D. WILEY 1998
3 저널기사 A General Test for Time Dependence in Parameters 미리보기
Becker, R.; Enders, W.; Hurn, S. WILEY 2004
4 저널기사 A Guided Tour of TSMod 4.03 미리보기
Fuertes, A.-M.; Izzeldin, M.; Murphy, A. WILEY 2005
5 저널기사 Games of Luck and Games of Chance: The Effect of Luck- versus Chance-Orientation on Gambling Decisions 미리보기
Friedland, N. WILEY 1998
6 저널기사 Game Theory at Work: How to Use Game Theory to Outthink and Outmaneuver Your Competition 미리보기
Cropanzano, R. WILEY 2004
7 저널기사 gamma-Irradiation Preparation of Poly(acrylic acid)-Chitosan Hydrogels for In Vitro Drug Release/ 미리보기
Shim, J.-W Wiley 2003
8 저널기사 Gamma Ray-Induced Copolymerization of Copper (II) Methacrylate: A Way ofAccess to Copper-Based Synthetic Micro- and Macroporous Resins 미리보기
Baccante, A Wiley 1998
9 저널기사 gamma-Ray-induced Degradation: A Comparative Study for Homo- and Copolymers of Polypropylene 미리보기
Thorat, H. B Wiley 1997
10 저널기사 Gasoline Permeation Resistance of the As-Blow-Molded and Annealed Polyethylene, Polyethylene/Polyamide, and Polyethylene/Modified Polyamide Bottles Published online 3 July 2001/ 미리보기
Yeh, J-T Wiley 2001
11 저널기사 Gas Permeability and Selectivity Through Asymmetric Polyimide Membranes 미리보기
Kawakami, H Wiley 1996
12 저널기사 Gas Permeability of Crosslinked HTPB-H~1~2MDI-Based Polyurethane Membrane 미리보기
Huang, S.-L Wiley 1995
13 저널기사 Gas Permeability of Model Polyurethane Networks and Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Materials: Relations with Morphology 미리보기
Damian, C Wiley 1997
14 저널기사 Gas Permeation Properties of New Type Asymmetric Membranes 미리보기
Hachisuka, H Wiley 1996
15 저널기사 Gas Permselection Properties in Silicone-Coated Asymmetric Polyethersulfone Membranes 미리보기
Wang, D Wiley 1997
16 저널기사 Gas-Phase Ethylene Polymerization over Polymer-Supported Metallocene Catalysts/ 미리보기
Zhou, J.-M Wiley 2003
17 저널기사 Gas Separation Properties of Aromatic Polyetherimides from 1,4-Bis(3,4-dicarboxyphenoxy)benzene Dianhydride and 3,5-Diaminobenzic Acid or its Esters 미리보기
Li, Y Wiley 1997
18 저널기사 Gas Sorption and Transport in UV-Irradiated Poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide) Films 미리보기
Wright, C. T Wiley 1998
19 저널기사 Gas-Sorption Properties of 6FDA-Durene/1,4-Phenylenediamine (pPDA) and 6FDA-Durene/1,3-Phenylenediamine (mPDA) Copolyimides/ 미리보기
Cheng, S.-X Wiley 2003
20 저널기사 Gas Transport and Structural Features of Sulfonated Poly(phenylene oxide) 미리보기
Polotskaya, G. A Wiley 1997
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