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33041 저널기사 The good, the bad and the ugly thing to do when sharing information: Revealing, concealing and lying depend on social motivation, distribution and importance of information 미리보기
Steinel, W.; Utz, S.; Koning, L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2010
33042 저널기사 The Good, the Bad, and the United States 미리보기
Camp, L.M.; Christian, H.; Cho, I.; Fertig, J. Institutional Investor, Inc 2013
33043 저널기사 The good, the bad and the variable: How evaluations of past editions influence the success of sequels 미리보기
Frederik B.I. Situmeang ; Mark A.A.M. Leenders ; Nachoem M. Wijnberg Emerald
33044 저널기사 The Good, The Poor and The Wealthy: Who Responds Most to College Financial Aid? 미리보기
Singell, L. D.; Stone, J. A. BLACKWELL PUBLISHERS 2002
33045 저널기사 The `Good War' after September 11 미리보기
33046 저널기사 THE GOOD WAY FORWARD. 미리보기
Profile Publishing 2016
33047 저널기사 The "goodwill" asset: how CPA firms can improve it. 미리보기
Ameican Institute of Cerified Public Accountant
33048 저널기사 The good work of financial crises 미리보기
Prywes, Menahem University of Columbia 1992
33049 저널기사 THE GOOFBALL IN CHARGE 미리보기
Time, inc., etc.] 2015
33050 저널기사 The Google Book settlement and academic libraries: ANTAEUS 미리보기
Joint, N. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
33051 저널기사 The Google conundrum: Perpetrator or facilitator on the net? - Forging a fair copyright framework of rights, liability and responsibility in response to search engine 2.0 - Part II: The Google Books Search Project 미리보기
Chik, W. B. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
33052 저널기사 The Google conundrum: Perpetrator or facilitator on the net? - Forging a fair copyright framework of rights, liability and responsibility in response to search engine 2.0 - Part I: The Google Images Search Engine 미리보기
Chik, W. B. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
33053 저널기사 The Google Effect 미리보기
Sellers, Patricia Time, inc., etc.] 2015
33054 저널기사 The `Google effect' in the FCC's 700MHz auction 미리보기
Brusco, S.; Lopomo, G.; Marx, L. M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
33055 저널기사 THE GOOGLE GUYS 미리보기
Helft, Miguel Time, inc., etc.] 2013
33056 저널기사 The Google Shortcut to Trademark Law 미리보기
Ouellette, L.L. School of Jurisprudence of the University of California 2014
33057 저널기사 The goose that laid the golden egg? A rhetorical critique of Stephen Covey and the effectiveness 미리보기
Jackson, Bradly G B. Blackwell 1999
33058 저널기사 The goose that laid the golden eggs: personal data and the Internet of Things 미리보기
Hirsch, Peter Buell Emerald Group Publishing Limited
33059 저널기사 The Gorbachev Anti-Alcohol Campaign and Russia's Mortality Crisis 미리보기
Bhattacharya, J.; Gathmann, C.; Miller, G. American Economic Association 2013
33060 저널기사 The Gorbachev-Putin continuum 미리보기
Dejevsky, Mary Royal Institute of International Affairs 2015
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