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341 저널기사 A generalization of the Kaplan-Meier estimator for analyzing bivariate mortality under right-censoring and left-truncation with applications in model-checking for survival copula models 미리보기
Lopez, O. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
342 저널기사 A Generalization of the Nerlove-Arrow Model to Multi-Firms Advertising under Uncertainty 미리보기
Charles S. Tapiero I N F O R M S
343 저널기사 A Generalization of the Pure Theory of Public Goods. 미리보기
Ellickson Bryan American Economic Assonication
344 저널기사 A Generalization of the Sobolev Method for Radiation Transport With Local and Nonlocal Line Overlap 미리보기
Pavlakis, K. G Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
345 저널기사 A Generalization of the Tangent Formula 미리보기
KARLE, J Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1971
346 저널기사 A generalization of the three-state binary gas-liquid lattice models and analysis of their critical lines/ 미리보기
North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
347 저널기사 A Generalization of the V/V~m~a~x Test 미리보기
Qin, Y. P Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
348 저널기사 A Generalization of Walsh's Two-Circle Theorem to Vector Spaces 미리보기
Bajunid, I Academic Press 1980
349 저널기사 A generalized analysis of the effects of business taxes on the production location choice under uncertainty 미리보기
Tan, L. T.; Cyrus Chu, C. Y. ELSEVIER 2002
350 저널기사 A Generalized and Efficient Preparation of a Novel Class of Macrocyclic Bis(Guanidines) 미리보기
Molina, P Pergamon Press 1980
351 저널기사 A generalized approach for modelling the nonlocal memory of hysteretic systems 미리보기
Kleineberg, T North-Holland Pub. Co 1997
352 저널기사 A Generalized Approach to Portfolio Optimization: Improving Performance by Constraining Portfolio Norms 미리보기
DeMiguel, V.; Garlappi, L.; Nogales, F.J.; Uppal, R. Institute of Management Sciences] 2009
353 저널기사 A generalized approach to surface photovoltage 미리보기
Liu, Q American Institute of Physics 1980
354 저널기사 A generalized approach to the control of the evolution of a molecular system 미리보기
Tang, H American Institute of Physics 1980
355 저널기사 A generalized approximation for the Cramer-Rao lower bound on direction-of-arrival estimates for a pair of closely spaced sources 미리보기
Swingler, D. N American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
356 저널기사 A generalized assignment game 미리보기
Camina, E. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
357 저널기사 A generalized asymmetric Student-t distribution with application to financial econometrics 미리보기
Zhu, D.; Galbraith, J. W. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
358 저널기사 A generalized beta copula with applications in modeling multivariate long-tailed data 미리보기
Yang, X.; Frees, E. W.; Zhang, Z. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
359 저널기사 A Generalized Bivariate Binomial Distribution Applicable in Four-Fold Sampling 미리보기
Mishra, A Marcel Dekker, inc.] 1980
360 저널기사 A generalized bivariate mixture model for stock price volatility and trading volume 미리보기
Liesenfeld, R. ELSEVIER 2001
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