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401 저널기사 A Generalized Measure of Riskiness 미리보기
Bali, T.G.; Cakici, N.; Chabi-Yo, F. Institute of Management Sciences] 2011
402 저널기사 A Generalized Method of Moments Comparison of the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross and Heath-Jarrow-Morton Models 미리보기
Raj, M. 00 1997
403 저널기사 A Generalized Method of Rotational Superposition for Problems With Elliptical Distribution of Boundary Values 미리보기
Lai, G American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1996
404 저널기사 A generalized method to calculate diffusion rates in polydisperse systems. Further results on Rouse dynamics in the concentrated regime/ 미리보기
Tomba, J P Huthig & Wepf 2000
405 저널기사 A Generalized Micromechanics of Continuous-Filament Yams Part I: Underlying Formalism/ 미리보기
Komori, Takashi The Institute and the Foundation 2001
406 저널기사 A generalized model for smartphone adoption and use in an Arab context: A cross-country comparison 미리보기
Ameen, Nisreen; Willis, Robert Auerbach 2018
407 저널기사 A generalized model for testing the home and favorite team advantage in point spread markets 미리보기
Dare, William H North-Holland in collaboration with the Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester 1996
408 저널기사 A generalized model for the measurement of effective diffusion coefficients of heterovalent ions in ion exchangers by the zero-length column method/ 미리보기
Valverde, J. L Pergamon Press 2004
409 저널기사 A generalized model of horizontal product differentiation 미리보기
Bockem, Sabine Blackwell 1994
410 저널기사 A Generalized Model of Horizontal Product Differentiation 미리보기
411 저널기사 A Generalized Model of Operations Reversal for Fashion Goods/ 미리보기
Jain, Nikhil 2001
412 저널기사 A Generalized Model of Spatial Competition. 미리보기
Capozza Dennis R. ; van Order Robert American Economic Assonication
413 저널기사 A Generalized Multiple-Spaces Equation to Accommodate Any Mix of Close-Off and Fan-Powered VAV Boxes 미리보기
Ke, Y.-P American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers 1980
414 저널기사 A generalized Navier-Stokes equation near the liquid-glass transition/ 미리보기
Kitamura, Toyoyuki North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
415 저널기사 A generalized network formulation for acoustic scattering 미리보기
Titterton, P. J American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
416 저널기사 A Generalized Network Formulation of the Pairwise Comparison Consensus Ranking Model 미리보기
Jonathan Barzilai ; Wade D. Cook ; Moshe Kress I N F O R M S
417 저널기사 A Generalized Newton Method for Higher-order Finite Element Approximations in Non-linear Elasticity 미리보기
Papadopoulos, P Wiley [etc.] 1980
418 저널기사 A generalized nonclassical state of the radiation field and some of its properties 미리보기
Roy, P The Institute of Physics 1980
419 저널기사 A generalized nonlinear IV unit root test for panel data with cross-sectional dependence 미리보기
Wang, S.; Wang, P.; Yang, J.; Li, Z. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
420 저널기사 A Generalized Norton-Bass Model for Multigeneration Diffusion 미리보기
Jiang, Z.; Jain, D.C. Institute of Management Sciences] 2012
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