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661 저널기사 A Genetic Manipulation System for Oceanic Cyanobacteria of the Genus Synechococcus 미리보기
Brahamsha, B American Society for Microbiology. 1980
662 저널기사 A genetic map of macadamia based on randomly amplified DNA fingerprinting (RAF) markers/ 미리보기
Peace, C. P M. Nijhoff [etc.] 2003
663 저널기사 A genetic map of the lettuce downy mildew pathogen, Bremia lactucae, constructed from molecular markers and avirulence genes/ 미리보기
Sicard, D Academic Press 2003
664 저널기사 A genetic marker for Huntington's chorea 미리보기
HARPER,P.S British Medical Association 1983
665 저널기사 A genetic model for a central (septum transversum) congenital diaphragmatic hernia in mice lacking Slit3/ 미리보기
Yuan, W National Academy of Sciences [etc.] 2003
666 저널기사 A genetic pathway for regulation of tra-2 translation 미리보기
Goodwin, E. B Company of Biologists 1980
667 저널기사 A genetic screen for modifiers of Deformed homeotic function identifies novel genes required for head development 미리보기
Gellon, G Company of Biologists 1980
668 저널기사 A genetic screen for mutations affecting embryogenesis in zebrafish 미리보기
Driever, W Company of Biologists 1980
669 저널기사 A genetic screen for mutations that disrupt an auditory response in Drosophila melanogaster 미리보기
Eberi, D. F National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
670 저널기사 A genetic selection for Caenorhabditis elegans synaptic transmission mutants 미리보기
Miller, K. G National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
671 저널기사 A genetic study on characteristics of crown light interception in Populus deltoides 미리보기
Li, H National Research Council of Canada 1997
672 저널기사 A genetic system for Archaea of the genus Methanosarcina: Liposome-mediated transformation and construction of shuttle vectors 미리보기
Metcalf, W. W National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
673 저널기사 A genetic system for the rapid isolation of aromatic-ring-hydroxylating dioxygenase activities/ 미리보기
Kahl, S Society for General Microbiology 2003
674 저널기사 A genetic system to identify DNA polymerase �mutator mutants 미리보기
Washington, S. L National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
675 저널기사 A Genetic Test of the Effects of Mutations in PKA on Mossy Fiber LTP andIts Relation to Spatial and Contextual Learning 미리보기
Huang, Y.-Y MIT Press 1995
676 저널기사 A genetic uncertainty problem/ 미리보기
Tautz, Diethard Elsevier Science Publishers (Biomedical Division) 2000
677 저널기사 A gene to drug venture: Poisson options analysis 미리보기
Brach, M. A.;Paxson, D. A. Blackwell 2001
678 저널기사 A gene trap approach to isolate mammalian genes involved in the cellularresponse to genotoxic stress 미리보기
Menichini, P Information Retrieval Limited 1980
679 저널기사 A Gene (wbbL) from Serratia marcescens N28b (O4) Complements the rfb-50 Mutation of Escherichia coli K-12 Derivatives 미리보기
Rubires, X American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
680 저널기사 A Genius for Money: Business, Art, and the Morrisons. By Caroline Dakers. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2011. xiii + 326 pp. Photos, bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, 미리보기
Andrew Popp Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration : Cambridge University Press 2013
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