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1801 저널기사 GALACTIC STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS - Density waves in the shearing sheet. I. Swing amplification/ 미리보기
Fuchs, B Springer-Verlag 2001
1802 저널기사 GALACTIC STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS - Early galaxy evolution from deep wide field star counts. II. First estimate of the thick disc mass function/ 미리보기
Reyl�, C Springer-Verlag 2001
1803 저널기사 GALACTIC STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS - Erratum: Age and metallicity gradients in the Galactic Bulge. A differential study using HST/WFPC2/ 미리보기
Feltzing, S Springer-Verlag 2001
1804 저널기사 Galactic structure and dynamics - Gaussian decomposition of the Leiden/Dwingeloo survey. I. Decomposition algorithm/ 미리보기
Haud, U Springer-Verlag 2000
1805 저널기사 GALACTIC STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS - Kinematics of young stars. II. Galactic spiral Structure/ 미리보기
Fern�ndez, D Springer-Verlag 2001
1806 저널기사 GALACTIC STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS - Lumpy structures in self-gravitating disks/ 미리보기
Huber, D 2001
1807 저널기사 GALACTIC STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS - New determination of the solar apex/ 미리보기
Fehrenbach, Ch Springer-Verlag 2001
1808 저널기사 GALACTIC STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS - New results on the helium stars in the galactic center using BEAR spectro-imagery/ 미리보기
Paumard, T Springer-Verlag 2001
1809 저널기사 GALACTIC STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS - Observation of microlensing toward the galactic spiral arms. EROS II 3 year survey/ 미리보기
Derue, F Springer-Verlag 2001
1810 저널기사 GALACTIC STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS - Order and chaos in the local disc stellar kinematics induced by the Galactic bar/ 미리보기
Fux, R Springer-Verlag 2001
1811 저널기사 GALACTIC STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS - Periastron shifts of stellar orbits near the Galactic Center/ 미리보기
Rubilar, G F Springer-Verlag 2001
1812 저널기사 GALACTIC STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS - Radio observations of new galactic bulge planetary nebulae/ 미리보기
Steene, G C Van de Springer-Verlag 2001
1813 저널기사 GALACTIC STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS - Restoring the full velocity field in the gaseous disk of the spiral galaxy NGC 157/ 미리보기
Fridman, A M Springer-Verlag 2001
1814 저널기사 GALACTIC STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS - Restoring the full velocity field in the gaseous disk of the spiral galaxy NGC 157/ 미리보기
Fridman, A M Springer-Verlag 2001
1815 저널기사 GALACTIC STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS - Searching for the in-plane Galactic bar and ring in DENIS/ 미리보기
L�ez-Corredoira, M Springer-Verlag 2001
1816 저널기사 GALACTIC STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS - SiO maser survey of AGB stars in the North Galactic Cap/ 미리보기
Ita, Y Springer-Verlag 2001
1817 저널기사 GALACTIC STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS - The Arcetri Catalog of H2O maser sources: Update 2000/ 미리보기
Valdettaro, R Springer-Verlag 2001
1818 저널기사 GALACTIC STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS - The ATCA/VLA OH 1612 MHz survey. III. Observations of the Northern Galactic Plane/ 미리보기
Sevenster, M N Springer-Verlag 2001
1819 저널기사 GALACTIC STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS - The bulge luminosity functions in the MSX infrared bands/ 미리보기
L�ez-Corredoira, M Springer-Verlag 2001
1820 저널기사 Galactic structure and dynamics - The Galactic disk: Study of four low latitude Galactic fields/ 미리보기
Vallenari, A Springer-Verlag 2000
맨앞 이전 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 다음 맨뒤
