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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 A HACKER WHO HELPS 미리보기
Mangalindan, JP Time, inc., etc.] 2013
2 저널기사 A hacking job Mike Jervis, partner at PwC, on the difficulties with plans to reform the complex and increasingly outdated insolvency rules 미리보기
unknown Accountancy 2013
3 저널기사 A Handbook of Practical Wisdom: Leadership, Organization and Integral Business Practice, by D. Pauleen and W. M. Kupers 미리보기
Prusak, L. Academy of Management 2013
4 저널기사 A Happiness Approach to Cost-Benefit Analysis 미리보기
Foglia, A.T.; Jennings, A.K. Duke University School of Law 2013
5 저널기사 A hard row to hoe: farming on the economic frontier under incomplete property rights 미리보기
Tatum, R.C. Cambridge University Press 2013
6 저널기사 A Harmonious Union? The Relationship Between States and the Human Rights Committee on the Same-Sex Marriage Issue 미리보기
Crombie, N. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Association 2013
7 저널기사 A head with two tales: trade unions' influence on temporary agency work in Belgian and German workplaces 미리보기
Pulignano, V.; Doerflinger, N. Routledge 2013
8 저널기사 A healthcare CEO uses technology to empower doctors and improve patient care 미리보기
unknown CIO Pub 2013
9 저널기사 A Heart-Mind-Opportunity Nexus: Distinguishing Social Entrepreneurship for Entrepreneurs 미리보기
Arend, R.J. Academy of Management 2013
10 저널기사 A helicopter crash: Sad day for whirlybirds 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2013
11 저널기사 A heretical hypothesis:
on the beginning of the Codex Justinianus
Bernard H. Stolte Kluwer [etc.] 2013
12 저널기사 A heuristic approach based on shortest path problems for integrated flight, aircraft, and passenger rescheduling under disruptions 미리보기
Jozefowiez, N.; Mancel, C.; Mora-Camino, F. Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society 2013
13 저널기사 A Hidden Curriculum? Examining the Gender Content in Introductory-Level Political Science Textbooks 미리보기
Erin C. Cassese ; Angela L. Bos Cambridge University Press for the Women and Politics Research Section of the American Political Science Association 2013
14 저널기사 A Historical Approach to Negligent Misrepresentation and Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 9(b) 미리보기
Parker, K.D. University of Chicago Press 2013
15 저널기사 A history of 1945: Darkness before dawn 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2013
16 저널기사 A history of Israel Song to Zion 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2013
17 저널기사 A history of strategy: Never a plan 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2013
18 저널기사 A hybrid genetic algorithm–support vector machine approach in the task of forecasting and trading 미리보기
Dunis, C. L.; Likothanassis, S. D.; Karathanasopoulos, A. S.; Sermpinis, G. S.; Theofilatos, K. A. Henry Stewart Pub. 2013
19 저널기사 A hybrid simulated annealing and column generation approach for capacitated multicommodity network design 미리보기
Yaghini, M.; Rahbar, M.; Karimi, M. Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society 2013
20 저널기사 H2 network is a hit with men, advertisers 미리보기
Poggi, Jeanine Crain Communications 2013
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
