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1 저널기사 A Health Intelligence Framework for Pandemic Response: Lessons from the UK Experience of COVID-19 미리보기
Gemma Bowsher ; Rose Bernard ; Richard Sullivan Mary Ann Liebert 2020
2 저널기사 A Health Intelligence Framework for Pandemic Response: Lessons from the UK Experience of COVID-19 미리보기
Gemma Bowsher, Rose Bernard, and Richard Sullivan Mary Ann Liebert 2020
Wieczner ; Jen Time, inc., etc.] 2020
4 저널기사 A hedonic valuation of sanitation services in Guatemala 미리보기
William F. Vásquez, Laura Beaudin Cambridge University Press 2020
5 저널기사 A History of the Present: a biography of Indian South Africans, 1994–2019 by Ashwin Desai and Goolam Vahed New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2019. Pp. 404. £56 (hbk) 미리보기
Annsilla Nyar Cambridge Univ. Pr. 2020
6 저널기사 A History of Tontines in Germany. From a multi-purpose financial product to a single-purpose pension product. Ed. by Phillip Hellwege. Berlin 2018 미리보기
Gal, Jens Mohr 2020
7 저널기사 A HIVE MIND APPROACH: Following his appointment to GroupM's chief executive for New Zealand, Chris Riley lifts the lid on what makes the network and it speople tick. 미리보기
Profile Publishing 2020
8 저널기사 A Human Rights Approach to Emergency Response? The Advocacy of Canada's Human Rights Commissions during the COVID-19 Crisis 미리보기
Nicole De Silva University of Toronto Press. 2020
9 저널기사 Haase/Bolik/Nonnenmacher: Steuerliche Forschungszulage ab 2020: Auf in die Praxis 미리보기
Recht und Wirtschaft 2020
10 저널기사 Habbe/Pelz: Interne Untersuchungen – Status quo und Zukunftsbetrachtung 미리보기
Recht und Wirtschaft 2020
11 저널기사 Habitus, spatial capital and making place: Housing developers and the spatial praxis of Johannesburg’s inner-city regeneration 미리보기
Aidan Mosselson Pion Ltd. 2020
12 저널기사 Hackenberg: Effektives Management in der insolvenzrechtlichen vorläufigen Eigenverwaltung 미리보기
Recht und Wirtschaft 2020
13 저널기사 Hackers’ self-selection in crowdsourced bug bounty programs 미리보기
Arrah-Marie Jo Editions techniques et e?conomiques. 2020
14 저널기사 Hacking-Back by Private Companies ; the Rule of Law 미리보기
Irene Couzigou C. H. Bech 2020
15 저널기사 “Hacking Back” by States ; the Uneasy Place of Necessity within the Rule of Law 미리보기
Henning Lahmann C. H. Bech 2020
16 저널기사 Haegler/Schmidt/Deike: Enforcement-Prüfungsschwerpunkte 2020 미리보기
Recht und Wirtschaft 2020
17 저널기사 Hafner: Neue GoBD: Kommt jetzt die Finanzverwaltung 4.0? 미리보기
Recht und Wirtschaft 2020
18 저널기사 Haftpflichtgesetz 미리보기
Urs Kramer Biederstein 2020
19 저널기사 Haftung bei Forderungsabtretung 미리보기
Carl Heymanns 2020
20 저널기사 Haftung bei Forderungsabtretung 미리보기
Carl Heymanns 2020
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