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1 저널기사 Hakan Hakansson, Kalle Kraus, and Johnny Lind (editors) Accounting in Networks 미리보기
Mikes, A. American Accounting Association. 2012
2 저널기사 Halperin and Bell, Research Guide to Corporate Acquisitions, Mergers, and Other Restructuring 미리보기
3 저널기사 Handbook of Accounting and Development 미리보기
Hopper, T.; Tsamenyi, M.; Uddin, S.; Wickramasinghe, D. American Accounting Association. 2014
4 저널기사 Hanlon, The Commercialisation of Accountancy: Flexible Accumulation and the Transformation of the Service Class 미리보기
5 저널기사 Has Concentration in the Top Accounting Journals Changed Over Time? 미리보기
Oler, Derek K.; Oler, Mitchell J.; Skousen, Christopher J.; Talakai, Jayson American Accounting Association 2016
6 저널기사 Has the Quality of Accounting Education Declined? 미리보기
Madsen, Paul E. American Accounting Association. 2015
7 저널기사 Headline Salience, Managerial Opportunism, and Over- and Underreactions to Earnings 미리보기
Huang, Xuan; Nekrasov, Alexander; Teoh, Siew Hong American Accounting Association. 2018
8 저널기사 Healthcare Reform Proposal and the Behavior of Pharmaceutical Companies: The Role of Political Costs 미리보기
Hao, Maggie; Nwaeze, Emeka T. American Accounting Association 2015
9 저널기사 Hedge Fund Voluntary Disclosure 미리보기
Cassar, Gavin J.; Gerakos, Joseph J.; Green, Jeremiah R.; Hand, John R. M.; Neal, Matthew American Accounting Association. 2018
10 저널기사 Hedging Executive Compensation Risk through Investment Banks 미리보기
Dye, Ronald A.; Sridhar, Sri S. American Accounting Association. 2016
11 저널기사 Home Country Tax System Characteristics and Corporate Tax Avoidance: International Evidence 미리보기
Atwood, T.J.; Drake, M.S.; Myers, J.N.; Myers, L.A. American Accounting Association. 2012
12 저널기사 Honesty in Managerial Reporting/ 미리보기
Evans III, John H American Accounting Association 2001
13 저널기사 How Audit Reviewers Respond to an Audit Preparer's Affective Bias: The Ironic Rebound Effect 미리보기
Frank, Michele L.; Hoffman, Vicky B. American Accounting Association. 2015
14 저널기사 How Big Data Will Change Accounting 미리보기
Warren, J. Donald; Moffitt, Kevin C.; Byrnes, Paul American Accounting Association 2015
15 저널기사 How Can Accounting Researchers Become More Innovative? 미리보기
Basu, S. American Accounting Association 2012
16 저널기사 How Do Auditors Weight Informal Contrary Advice? The Joint Influence of Advisor Social Bond and Advice Justifiability 미리보기
Kadous, K.; Leiby, J.; Peecher, M.E. American Accounting Association. 2013
17 저널기사 How Does an Initial Expectation Bias Influence Auditors' Application and Performance of Analytical Procedures? 미리보기
Pike, B.J.; Curtis, M.B.; Chui, L. American Accounting Association. 2013
18 저널기사 How Does Readability Influence Investors' Judgments? Consistency of Benchmark Performance Matters 미리보기
Tan, H.-T.; Wang, E.Y.; Zhou, B. American Accounting Association. 2015
19 저널기사 How Does the Incentive Effect of the Charitable Deduction Vary across Charities? 미리보기
Yetman, M.H.; Yetman, R.J. American Accounting Association.. 2013
20 저널기사 How Does the Strength of the Financial Regulatory Regime Influence Auditors' Judgments to Constrain Aggressive Reporting in a Principles-Based Versus Rules-Based Accounting Environment? 미리보기
Cohen, J.R.; Krishnamoorthy, G.; Peytcheva, M.; Wright, A.M. American Accounting Association 2013
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