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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 A Holistic Approach to Audit Quality 미리보기
Tysiac, K. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 2014
2 저널기사 Handling an Inadvertent Termination 미리보기
unknown American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 2012
3 저널기사 Handling the Small Public Audit Client 미리보기
Wolk, C. M American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 1980
4 저널기사 Handling the small public audit client 미리보기
Wolk, Carel M American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 1997
5 저널기사 Harnessing computers to communicate 미리보기
Kepczyk, Roman H American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 1997
6 저널기사 Harnessing the Power of the Cloud 미리보기
Drew, J. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 2014
7 저널기사 Heads in the Cloud: Part 1 미리보기
Drew, J. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 2012
8 저널기사 Heads in the Cloud: Part 2 미리보기
Drew, J. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 2012
9 저널기사 Health Care Reform Essentials 미리보기
Dietrich, M.O.; Marks, B.K. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 2014
10 저널기사 Health reform prohibits most reimbursement plans Transition relief continues through 2015 for S corporation 2% shareholder-employees, but stand-alone health reimbursement arrangements and employer payment plans can be subject to penalties 미리보기
unknown American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 2015
11 저널기사 Helping business owners prepare for the future 미리보기
Fleming, Peter D American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 1997
12 저널기사 Helping CEOs Connect the Dots 미리보기
Tilley, C. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 2012
13 저널기사 Helping children get what they deserve 미리보기
Fleming, Peter D American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 1996
14 저널기사 Helping children get what they deserve 미리보기
Fleming, Peter D American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 1996
15 저널기사 Helping clients protect against risk 미리보기
Fleming, Peter D American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 1996
16 저널기사 Helping executors and trustees help themselves 미리보기
Fleming, Peter D American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 1997
17 저널기사 Helping S coroporations avoid unreasonable compensation audits 미리보기
unknown American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 2015
18 저널기사 Higher Stakes for Tax Treatment of Rental Real Estate 미리보기
Panitz, P.G.; Lubin, B. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 2013
19 저널기사 High-Functioning Firms 미리보기
unknown American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 2014
20 저널기사 Highlights 미리보기
Melancon, Barry C American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 1995
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