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161 저널기사 High conductivity and nonlinear Seebeck coefficient of Ag~2O containing (Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O) glassy precursors for high T~c superconductors 미리보기
Chatterjee, S American Institute of Physics 1980
162 저널기사 High conductivity modulation doped AlGaN/GaN multiple channel heterostructures/ 미리보기
Heikman, S American Institute of Physics 2003
163 저널기사 High confinement and high density with stationary plasma energy and strong edge radiation cooling in the upgraded Torus Experiment for TechnologyOriented Research (TEXTOR-94) 미리보기
Messiaen, A. M American Institute of Physics 1980
164 저널기사 High continuous wave power, 0.8 �-band, Al-free active-region diode lasers 미리보기
Wade, J. K American Institute of Physics 1980
165 저널기사 High critical current densities in Nb47%Ti multilayers with a planar copper flux pinning nanostructure 미리보기
Kadyrov, E American Institute of Physics 1980
166 저널기사 High critical current densities of YBa~2Cu~3O~7~-~x thin films on buffered technical substrates 미리보기
Knierim, A American Institute of Physics 1980
167 저널기사 High critical current density superconducting tapes by epitaxial deposition of YBa~2Cu~3O~x thick films on biaxially textured metals 미리보기
Goyal, A American Institute of Physics 1980
168 저널기사 High data rate recording: Moving to 2 Gbit/s/ 미리보기
Taratorin, A American Institute of Physics 2003
169 저널기사 High density current operation in nanographite fiber synthesized by chemical vapor deposition/ 미리보기
Tsukagoshi, K American Institute of Physics 2003
170 저널기사 High-density laser-assisted magnetic recording on TbFeCo media with an Al underlayer/ 미리보기
Miyanishi, S American Institute of Physics 2003
171 저널기사 High density magnetic recording on protein-derived nanoparticles/ 미리보기
Hoinville, J American Institute of Physics 2003
172 저널기사 High density plasma processing of diamond films on titanium: Residual stress and adhesion measurements 미리보기
Catledge, S. A American Institute of Physics 1980
173 저널기사 High density recorded patterns observed by high-resolution Bitter scanning electron microscope method 미리보기
Kitakami, O American Institute of Physics 1980
174 저널기사 High-density recording on advanced magnetic tapes 미리보기
Speliotis, D American Institute of Physics 1980
175 저널기사 High-density recording performance of media with CoCrPtTa/CrNiP on glassceramic substrate 미리보기
Lin, Z.-H American Institute of Physics 1980
176 저널기사 High density recording with keepered media and planar heads 미리보기
Coughlin, T. M American Institute of Physics 1980
177 저널기사 High-dielectric-constant Ta2O5/n-GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor structure/ 미리보기
Tu, L W American Institute of Physics 2000
178 저널기사 High dielectric permittivity in AFe~1~/~2B~1~/~2O~3 nonferroelectric perovskite ceramics (A=Ba, Sr, Ca; B=Nb, Ta, Sb)/ 미리보기
Raevski, I. P American Institute of Physics 2003
179 저널기사 High-dose Al-implanted 4H-SiC p+-n-n+ junctions/ 미리보기
Kalinina, E American Institute of Physics 2000
180 저널기사 High-dose phenomena in zinc-implanted silicon crystals 미리보기
Simov, S American Institute of Physics 1980
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