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1 저널기사 Head in the Clouds? Beyond Employment in the Creative Services Industry 미리보기
Stubbs, J. World Advertising Research Center Ltd 2014
2 저널기사 How Contagious Is Your Viral Marketing Campaign? A Mathematical Model for Assessing Campaign Performance 미리보기
Ewing, M.T.; Stewart, D.B.; Mather, D.R.; Newton, J.D. World Advertising Research Center Ltd 2014
3 저널기사 How Corporate Cultures Drive Advertising and Promotion Budgets: Best Practices Combine Heuristics and Algorithmic Tools 미리보기
West, D.; Ford, J.B.; Farris, P.W. World Advertising Research Center Ltd 2014
4 저널기사 How Digital Conversations Reinforce Super Bowl Advertising: The Power of Earned Media Drives Television Engagement 미리보기
Spotts, H.E.; Purvis, S.C.; Patnaik, S. World Advertising Research Center Ltd 2014
5 저널기사 How Does Earned Media Work in Advertising? 미리보기
Precourt, G. World Advertising Research Center Ltd 2014
6 저널기사 How Emotional Tugs Trump Rational Pushes: The Time Has Come to Abandon a 100-Year-Old Advertising Model 미리보기
Wood, O. World Advertising Research Center Ltd. 2012
7 저널기사 How Healthy is Your Brand-Health Tracker? A Five-Point Checklist to Build Returns on a Critical Research Investment 미리보기
Romaniuk, J. World Advertising Research Center Ltd. 2013
8 저널기사 How Much Is Too Much? The Collective Impact of Repetition and Position in Multi-Segment Sports Broadcast 미리보기
Jeong, Y.; Tran, H.; Zhao, X. World Advertising Research Center Ltd. 2012
9 저널기사 How Strong is the Pull of the Past? Measuring Personal Nostalgia Evoked by Advertising 미리보기
Merchant, A.; LaTour, K.; Ford, J.B.; LaTour, M.S. World Advertising Research Center Ltd 2013
10 저널기사 How to Advertise and Build Brand Knowledge Globally: Comparing Television Advertising Appeals across Developed and Emerging Economies 미리보기
Zarantonello, L.; Schmitt, B.H.; Jedidi, K. World Advertising Research Center Ltd 2014
11 저널기사 How Validation Can Trump Digital Waste and Generate Value across the Digital Advertising Ecosystem 미리보기
Abraham, L.B.; Hunter, A.; Vollman, A. World Advertising Research Center Ltd. 2012
12 저널기사 The Hand, the Bill... or Both? The Role of Credibility in Handbill Acceptance 미리보기
Prendergast, G.P.; Wai, K.T.; Cheung, W.Y. World Advertising Research Center Ltd. 2012
13 저널기사 The High Stakes of Sweepstakes: Too Much of a Good Thing Can Demotivate Digital Consumers 미리보기
Wilcox, C.; Woodside, A.G. World Advertising Research Center Ltd. 2012
