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241 저널기사 A hierarchical active constraints search algorithm for optimal scaling of ordered categorical responses 미리보기
Lin, S. P Gordon and Breach Science Publishers 1980
242 저널기사 A hierarchical analysis of genetic structure and variability in patchilydistributed coexisting Chiastocheta species (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) 미리보기
Johannesen, J Oliver and Boyd 1996
243 저널기사 A hierarchical analysis of long-term illness and mortality in socially deprived areas/ 미리보기
Malmstr�m, Marianne Pergamon 2001
244 저널기사 A hierarchical analysis of the green consciousness of the Egyptian consumer 미리보기
Mostafa, M. M. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2007
245 저널기사 A hierarchical approach for shape optimization 미리보기
246 저널기사 A hierarchical approach to assessing habitat suitability and yield potential of lake trout 미리보기
Marshall, T. R National Research Council Canada 1980
247 저널기사 A hierarchical approach to generating precedence graphs for assembly planning/ 미리보기
Niu, X Pergamon 2003
248 저널기사 A hierarchical approach to the molecular modeling of diffusion and adsorption at nonzero loading in microporous materials/ 미리보기
Tunca, C Pergamon Press 2003
249 저널기사 A hierarchical Bayesian model for estimating historical salmon escapement and escapement timing/ 미리보기
Su, Zhenming National Research Council Canada 2001
250 저널기사 A hierarchical Bayes model of choice between supermarket formats 미리보기
Solgaard, H. S.; Hansen, T. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
251 저널기사 A hierarchical choice modelling approach for incorporating customer preferences in vehicle package design 미리보기
Kumar, D.; Hoyle, C.; Chen, W.; Wang, N.; Gomez-Levi, G.; Koppelman, F.S. INDERSCIENCE ENTERPRISES LIMITED 2009
252 저널기사 A Hierarchical Concept of Cellular and Subcellular Ca^2^+-Signalling 미리보기
Lipp, P Pergamon Press 1980
253 저널기사 A Hierarchical Decision-Making Model for Progress in Reducing Three Evils: Terrorism, Poverty and Environmental Degradation 미리보기
Walter Isard ; Jiyoun An Berkeley Electronic Press
254 저널기사 A hierarchical evaluation system for characterizing watershed ecosystemsfor fish habitat 미리보기
Imhof, J. G National Research Council Canada 1980
255 저널기사 A hierarchical finite element method based on the partition of unity 미리보기
Taylor, R. L North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
256 저널기사 A hierarchical functions set for predicting very high order plate bending modes with any boundary conditions 미리보기
Beslin, O Academic Press 1980
257 저널기사 A hierarchical mjpndel jpnf sjpncial marketing 미리보기
Jeff French;Rebekah Russell-Bennett Emerald Group Publishing Limited
258 저널기사 A hierarchical model approach for identifying the trait antecedents of general gambling propensity and of four gambling-related genres 미리보기
Mowen, J. C.; Fang, X.; Scott, K. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
259 저널기사 A hierarchical model for ageing 미리보기
Geppert, U The Institute of Physics 1980
260 저널기사 A hierarchical model for solute transport in fractured media 미리보기
Clemo, T American Geophysical Union 1980
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