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33941 저널기사 The High Road Less Traveled 미리보기
Schwartz, Jeffrey; Thomson, Josie; Kleiner, Art Booz, Allen & Hamilton 2017
33942 저널기사 The Highs and Lows of Hierarchy in Multiteam Systems. 미리보기
Matusik ; James G.; Mitchell ; Rebecca L.; Hays ; Nicholas A.; Fath ; Sean; Hollenbeck ; John R. 10.5465/amj.2020.0369. ; 데이터베이스: Business Source Ultimate Academy of Management 2022
33943 저널기사 The high seas In deep water 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2014
33944 저널기사 The high specificities of Phaseolus vulgaris erythro- and leukoagglutinating lectins for bisecting GlcNAc or beta1-6-linked branch structures, respectively, are attributable to loop B 미리보기
Kaneda, Y.; Whittier, R. F.; Yamanaka, H.; Carredano, E.; Gotoh, M.; Sota, H.; Hasegawa, Y.; Shinohara, Y. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
33945 저널기사 The high spontaneous mutation rate: Is it a health risk 미리보기
Crow, J. F National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
33946 저널기사 The High-Stakes Game Of Initial Coin Offerings 미리보기
Sarfo, Nana Ama Tax Analysts 2019
33947 저널기사 The High Stakes of Climate Adaptation in the Middle East and North Africa 미리보기
Sowers, Jeannie Events Pub. Co 2017
33948 저널기사 The High Stakes of Low-Level Criminal Justice 미리보기
Natapoff, Alexandra Yale Law Journal Co 2019
33949 저널기사 The High Stakes of Sweepstakes: Too Much of a Good Thing Can Demotivate Digital Consumers 미리보기
Wilcox, C.; Woodside, A.G. World Advertising Research Center Ltd. 2012
33950 저널기사 The High Stakes of the Ukraine Crisis 미리보기
Wilson, A. Events Pub. Co 2014
33951 저널기사 The high strain-rate fracture characteristics of ductile metals at elevated and sub-ambient temperatures 미리보기
Barton, D. C Pergamon Press 1980
33952 저널기사 The High-Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System Technique in Facial Rejuvenation: An Update/ 미리보기
Barton, F. E Williams & Wilkins 2003
33953 저널기사 The High Tech Consumer 미리보기
Hollingsworth, P Food technology, etc.] 1995
33954 저널기사 The high-tech industry: Start me up 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2011
33955 저널기사 The high-tech milieu and innovation-oriented development 미리보기
Ku, Y. L.; Liau, S. J.; Hsing, W. C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
33956 저널기사 The high-temperature and high-pressure behavior of MgO derived from lattice vibration calculations. Kieffer's model revisited/ 미리보기
Jacobs, M. H. G Royal Society of Chemistry 2003
33957 저널기사 The High Temperature Phase Diagram of Li~1~+~xMn~2~-~xO~4 and Its Implications 미리보기
Gao, Y Electrochemical Society 1980
33958 저널기사 The High-Temperature Phase of 1,2,4,5-Tetrafluoro-3,6-diiodobenzene and the Phase Transition / 미리보기
CHAPLOT, S.L Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1981
33959 저널기사 The High-Temperature Proton Conductor Strontium Zirconate: Thermogravimetry of Water Uptake 미리보기
Krug, F American Ceramic Society 1980
33960 저널기사 The High-Temperature Structure of CsCuCl3 미리보기
KROESE, C.J Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1974
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