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321 저널기사 A high-flying risk 미리보기
Verespej, Michael A Penton/IPC 1995
322 저널기사 A High-Frequency Investigation of the Interaction between Volatility and DAX Returns 미리보기
Masset, P.; Wallmeier, M. Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2010
323 저널기사 A high-frequency polymorphism in exon 6 of the CD45 tyrosine phosphatase gene (PTPRC) resulting in altered isoform expression/ 미리보기
Stanton, T National Academy of Sciences [etc.] 2003
324 저널기사 A high-frequency radio continuum investigation of giant radio galaxies. II. Observations of four objects at 2.8 cm wavelength 미리보기
Saripalli, L Springer-Verlag 1996
325 저널기사 A High Functionality Crosslinked Resin from 3,5-Diaeryloyloxybenzoic Acid and Studies of Its De-Crosslinking/ 미리보기
Paul, G K Huthig & Wepf 2001
326 저널기사 A high level ab initio map and direct statistical treatment of the fragmentation of singlet ketene 미리보기
Klippenstein, S. J American Institute of Physics 1980
327 저널기사 A High Level of Interfacing: Society, Man, and Nature in the Age of Microelectronics, Information Science, and Biotechnology 미리보기
N. Podgorny;M. Georgadze M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
328 저널기사 A High Level of Physical Fitness Is Associated With More Efficient Response Preparation in Older Adults 미리보기
Renaud, M.; Bherer, L.; Maquestiaux, F. Gerontological Society of America 2010
329 저널기사 A high level theoretical investigation of the cyclic hydrogen fluoride trimer 미리보기
Tschumper, G. S American Institute of Physics 1980
330 저널기사 A high-low model of daily stock price ranges 미리보기
Cheung, Y. L.; Cheung, Y. W.; Wan, A. T. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2009
331 저널기사 A highly accurate first principles determination of the electron affinity of BO(X2S+) and binding energy of BO-(X1S+)/ 미리보기
Papakondylis, Aristotle North Holland 2001
332 저널기사 A highly active decarboxylating dehydrogenase with rationally inverted coenzyme specificity 미리보기
Chen, R National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
333 저널기사 A highly active homeobox gene promoter regulated by Ets and Sp1 family members in normal granulosa cells and diverse tumor cell types 미리보기
Rao, M. K.; Maiti, S.; Ananthaswamy, H. N.; Wilkinson, M. F. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
334 저널기사 A highly aggressive primitive mesenchymal tumor with a translocation (1;19)(q12;q13.2)/ 미리보기
Lui, Weng-Onn Elsevier Science Pub. Co. [etc.] 2001
335 저널기사 A Highly Amplified Mouse Gene Is Homologous to the Human Interferon-Responsive Sp100 Gene Encoding an Autoantigen Associated with Nuclear Dots 미리보기
Groetzinger, T American Society for Microbiology 1980
336 저널기사 A highly asymmetric, Lewis acid-catalysed Diels-Alder reaction using optically active 2-(3-tolyl-p-sulfinyl)furyl ��unsaturated ketones as a dienophile 미리보기
Arai, Y Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
337 저널기사 A Highly Conserved Aspartic Acid Residue in the Signature Disulfide Loop of the alpha1 Subunit Is a Determinant of Gating in the Glycine Receptor/ 미리보기
Schofield, C. M American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
338 저널기사 A highly conserved ATPase protein as a mediator between acidic activation domains and the TATA-binding protein 미리보기
Swaffield, J. C Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1996
339 저널기사 A Highly Conserved Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I-Related Genein Mammals 미리보기
Yamaguchi, H Academic Press 1980
340 저널기사 A highly conserved nucleotide in the Alu domain of SRP RNA mediates translation arrest through high affinity binding to SRP9/14 미리보기
Chang, D.-Y Information Retrieval Limited 1980
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