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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
34821 저널기사 The human uncoupling protein-3 gene. Genomic structure, chromosomal localization, and genetic basis for short and long form transcripts 미리보기
Solanes, G American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
34822 저널기사 The Human V~3 Pituitary Vasopressin Receptor: Ligand Binding Profile andDensity-Dependent Signaling Pathways 미리보기
Thibonnier, M Association for the Study of Internal Secretions 1980
34823 저널기사 The human values' lenses of country of origin images 미리보기
Balabanis, G.; Mueller, R.; Melewar, T. C. Corporate Press 2002
34824 저널기사 The human XRCC9 gene corrects chromosomal instability and mutagen sensitivities in CHO UV40 cells 미리보기
Liu, N National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
34825 저널기사 The human �globin locus control region confers an early embryonic erythroid-specific expression pattern to a basic promoter driving the bacterial lacZ gene 미리보기
Tewari, R Company of Biologists 1980
34826 저널기사 The Human �Type Proteasomal Subunit HsC8 Forms a Double Ringlike Structure, but Does Not Assemble into Proteasome-like Particles with the �TypeSubunits HsDelta or HsBPROS26 미리보기
Gerards, W. L. H American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
34827 저널기사 The Humboldt high magnetic field center at Berlin 미리보기
von Ortenberg, M North-Holland 2001
34828 저널기사 The humidity dependence of ozone deposition onto a variety of building surfaces/ 미리보기
Grontoft, T Pergamon 2004
34829 저널기사 The Humming Bird 미리보기
Layne, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2006
34830 저널기사 The humoral immune response of turbot to recently isolated pathogenic Enterococcus strains. Cross-reactivity with other Gram-positive bacteria 미리보기
Leiro, J Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 1996
34831 저널기사 The humoral response to in vitro generated parasite antigens is enhanced by the removal of a defined media component prior to immunization/ 미리보기
Earnhart, C. G North-Holland 2003
34832 저널기사 The humour tourist: A conceptualisation 미리보기
Frew, E. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
34833 저널기사 The hump-shaped behavior of inflation and a dynamic externality 미리보기
Tsuruga, T. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
34834 저널기사 The Humpty Dumpty blues: Disaggregation bias in the evaluation of tax systems 미리보기
McCaffery, E. J.; Baron, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2003
34835 저널기사 The Hundred Largest Employers in the Russian Empire, circa 1913 미리보기
VOLodymyr Kulikov Cambridge University Press
34836 저널기사 The Hundred Largest Employers in the Russian Empire, circa 1913 미리보기
Volodymyr Kulikov Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration : Cambridge University Press 2017
34837 저널기사 The Hungarian Arbitration Law: A Leap into the Past 미리보기
Cavalieros, P. Kluwer Law International 2014
34838 저널기사 The Hungarian Economic Reform, Past and Future 미리보기
Nagy Tamas American Economic Assonication
34839 저널기사 The Hungarian far right Changing of the Garda 미리보기
34840 저널기사 The Hungarian Hyperinflation and Stabilization of 1945-1946 미리보기
William A. Bomberger ; Gail E. Makinen University of Chicago Press
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