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34861 저널기사 The Hunting of the SNP 미리보기
American Association for the Advancement of Science 1980
34862 저널기사 The hupTUV Operon Is Involved in Negative Control of Hydrogenase Synthesis in Rhodobacter capsulatus 미리보기
Elsen, S American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
34863 저널기사 The hurdle model: Analysing the influence of country characteristics on participation in IPSASB's due process 미리보기
Wolf AD; Christiaens J Basil Blackwell 2023
34864 저널기사 The hurdle-race problem 미리보기
Vanduffel, S.; Dhaene, J.; Goovaerts, M.; Kaas, R. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
34865 저널기사 The hurdles of local governments with PPP contracts in the waste sector 미리보기
da Cruz, N.F.; Simoes, P.; Marques, R.C. Pion Ltd. 2013
34866 저널기사 The Hurricane Decision Simulator: A Tool for Marine Forces in New Orleans to Practice Operations Management in Advance of a Hurricane 미리보기
Eva D. Regnier ; Cameron A. MacKenzie Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences 2019
34867 저널기사 The hurricane season Hunkering down 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2007
34868 저널기사 The Hurricane Years (Book Review). 미리보기
Doherty, William O.; Zlatkovich, Charles T Ameican Institute of Cerified Public Accountant
34869 저널기사 The Hurwicz Decision Rule’s Relationship to Decision Making with the Triangle and Beta Distributions and Exponential Utility 미리보기
Sarat Sivaprasad ; Cameron A. MacKenzie Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences 2018
34870 저널기사 The Hutton inquiry Blair's court 미리보기
Boer, K.; Darvas, Z.; Baki, M.; Kaszas, I.; Pal, Z.; Falus, A. ECONOMIST NEWSPAPER LTD 2003
34871 저널기사 The Hutton inquiry Damaging evidence 미리보기
Niyogi, D. K.; Simon, K. S.; Townsend, C. R. ECONOMIST NEWSPAPER LTD 2003
34872 저널기사 The Hutton inquiry Geoff Hoon, this week's target 미리보기
34873 저널기사 The Hutton Inquiry: Origins and Issues 미리보기
Doig, A. Oxford University Press 2005
34874 저널기사 The HVLP Revolution 미리보기
Delta Communications, etc.] 1997
34875 저널기사 The Hwang affair: Handle with care 미리보기
34876 저널기사 The Hyades Binaries �1 Tauri and �2 Tauri: The Distance to the Clusterand the Mass-Luminosity Relation 미리보기
Torres, G Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
34877 저널기사 The Hyades Binary 51 Tauri: Spectroscopic Detection of the Primary, the Distance to the Cluster, and the Mass-Luminosity Relation 미리보기
Torres, G Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
34878 저널기사 The Hyades Binary Finsen 342 (70 Tauri): A Double-Lined Spectroscopic Orbit, the Distance to the Cluster, and the Mass-Luminosity Relation 미리보기
Torres, G Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
34879 저널기사 The hyaluronic acid receptor (CD44) is expressed in bovine oocytes and early stage embryos/ 미리보기
Furnus, C. C Butterworths, etc 2003
34880 저널기사 The hybrid consumer: exploring hybrid consumption behaviour 미리보기
Ehrnrooth, H.; Gronroos, C. EMERALD 2013
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