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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
34881 저널기사 The hybrid equilibria and core selection in exchange economies with externalities 미리보기
Zhao, J. ELSEVIER 1996
34882 저널기사 The Hybrid Financial Instruments: The Effects of the OECD BEPS Action 2 Report and the ATAD 미리보기
Bart Peeters;Lars Vanneste Kluwer Law International
34883 저널기사 The hybrid governance of environmental transnational municipal networks: Lessons from 100 Resilient Cities 미리보기
Anne Bach Nielsen, Marielle Papin SAGE Publishing 2021
34884 저널기사 The hybrid histidine kinase DokA is part of the osmotic response system of Dictyostelium 미리보기
Schuster, S. C Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press 1980
34885 저널기사 The hybrid PAX3-FKHR fusion protein of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma transforms fibroblasts in culture 미리보기
Scheidler, S National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
34886 저널기사 The Hybrid Rich-Burn/Lean-Burn Engine 미리보기
Meyers, D. P American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1980
34887 저널기사 The Hybrid Trap: Why Most Efforts to Bridge Old and New Technology Miss the Mark Mature companies often lack the vision and resolve to fully commit to new technologies — even when consumers are ready for them. This leads companies to develop watered-down products with limited capabilities and leaves them exposed to upstart competitors 미리보기
Suarez, Fernando F.; Utterback, James; Von Gruben, Paul; Kang, Hye Young Sloan Management Review Association, MIT Sloan School of Management 2018
34888 저널기사 The Hyderabad Political System and its Participants 미리보기
LEONARD, KAREN Association for Asian Studies, etc.] 1971
34889 저널기사 The Hydrate of Ammonium Ferrocyanide and Possible Ionic Transport Mechanism 미리보기
MOROSIN, B Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1978
34890 저널기사 The Hydration of Globular Proteins as Derived from Volume and Compressibility Measurements: Cross Correlating Thermodynamic and Structural Data 미리보기
Chalikian, T. V Academic Press 1980
34891 저널기사 The hydration of phospholipids and its biological significance 미리보기
Jendrasiak, G. L Butterworths 1980
34892 저널기사 The hydration state of HO-(aq) 미리보기
Asthagiri, D North Holland 2003
34893 저널기사 The Hydraulics of an Evolving Upwelling Jet Flowing around a Cape/ 미리보기
Dale, Andrew C American Meteorological Society 2001
34894 저널기사 The Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow: An Introduction/ 미리보기
Weber, Larry J American Society of Civil Engineers 2001
34895 저널기사 The hydrodynamical response of a tilted circumbinary disc: linear theoryand non-linear numerical simulations 미리보기
Larwood, J. D Priestley and Weale 1980
34896 저널기사 The hydrodynamic behavior of the liquid-solid circulating fluidized bed ion exchange system for cesium removal/ 미리보기
Feng, X Elsevier Sequoia 2003
34897 저널기사 The hydrodynamic evolution of circumstellar gas around massive stars. II. The impact of the time sequence O star -> RSG -> WR star 미리보기
Garcia-Segura, G Springer-Verlag 1996
34898 저널기사 The Hydrodynamic Limit of a Deterministic Particle System with Conservation of Mass and Momentum/ 미리보기
M�rmann, Michael G Plenum Press 2001
34899 저널기사 The hydrodynamics of trickling flow in packed beds operating at high pressures. The relative permeability concept/ 미리보기
Nemec, Damjan Pergamon Press 2001
34900 저널기사 The Hydrodynamic Stability of Pendent Drop Under a Liquid Column 미리보기
Lin, S. P American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1996
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