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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
34921 저널기사 The hydrolytic system of a nocardiaform bacterium Nocardia minima in the proccss of growth,development and differentiation / 미리보기
Elorov, N.S s.n.] 1991
34922 저널기사 The hydroperoxyl anion HO^-~2: Ab initio potential energy surface and vibrational splittings for proton transfer 미리보기
Chan, W.-T American Institute of Physics 1980
34923 저널기사 The hydroperoxyl radical dimer: Triplet ring or singlet string? 미리보기
Fermann, J. T American Institute of Physics 1980
34924 저널기사 The hydrophilic and lipophilic contribution to total antioxidant activity/ 미리보기
Arnao, Marino B Applied Science Publishers 2001
34925 저널기사 The 'hydrophobic collapse' conformation of paclitaxel (Taxol[R]) has been observed in a non-aqueous environment: crystal structure of 10-deacetyl-7-epitaxol 미리보기
Gao, Q Pergamon Press 1980
34926 저널기사 The Hydrophobic Domains in the Carboxyl-terminal Signal for GPI Modification and in the Amino-terminal Leader Peptide have Similar Structural Requirements 미리보기
Yan, W Academic Press 1980
34927 저널기사 The hydrophobic heat-capacity anomaly/ 미리보기
34928 저널기사 The Hydrophobic Pocket Contributes to the Structural Stability of the N-Terminal Coiled Coil of HIV gp41 but Is Not Required for Six-Helix Bundle Formation/ 미리보기
Dwyer, J. J American Chemical Society 2003
34929 저널기사 The Hydrophobic Propensity of Water toward Amphiprotic Solutes: Predicton and Molecular Origin of the Aqueous Solubility of Aliphatic Alcohols 미리보기
Ruelle, P American Pharmaceutical Association 1980
34930 저널기사 The Hydrophobic Region of Signal Peptides Is a Determinant for SRP Recognition and Protein Translocation across the ER Membrane 미리보기
Hatsuzawa, K Japanese Biochemical Society 1980
34931 저널기사 The Hydropolitics of the Nile Revisited: Elites, Experts, and Everyday Practices in Egypt and Sudan 미리보기
Garrick, Dustin Evan MIT Press 2016
34932 저널기사 The Hydrosilylation of Ald- and Ketimines Catalyzed by Titanocene Complexes 미리보기
Tillack, A Pergamon Press 1980
34933 저널기사 The hydrothermal syntheses and characterization of one- and two-dimensional structures constructed from metal-organic derivatives of polyoxometalates: ({Cu(bpy)2}{Cu(bpy)(H2O)}(Mo5O15){O3P(CH2)4PO3}).H2O and ({Cu2(tpypyz)(H2O)2}(Mo5O15)(O3PCH2CH2PO3)).5.5H2O (bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine, tpypyz = tetra(2-pyridyl)pyrazine)/ 미리보기
Finn Royal Society of Chemistry 2001
34934 저널기사 The hydroxide-assisted hydrolysis of cyanogen chloride in aqueous solution/ 미리보기
Pedersen Iii, Erik J 2001
34935 저널기사 The hydroxylation at C-17 in the biosynthesis of the diterpenoid aphidicolin 미리보기
Hanson, J. R Pergamon Press 1997
34936 저널기사 The hydroxylation of some 13�methylsteroids by Cephalosporium aphidicola 미리보기
Boynton, J Pergamon Press 1997
34937 저널기사 The hydroxylation of testosterone and some relatives by cephalosporium aphidicola 미리보기
Hanson, J. R Pergamon Press 1996
34938 저널기사 The hygienic transition from cesspools to sewer systems (1840-1930): The dynamics of regime transformation 미리보기
Geels, F. W. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
34939 저널기사 The Hygroscopic Properties of Dicarboxylic and Multifunctional Acids: Measurements and UNIFAC Predictions/ 미리보기
Peng, C American Chemical Society 2001
34940 저널기사 The Hype and Hope of Interdisciplinary Management Studies 미리보기
Knights, D. WILEY 1997
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