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861 저널기사 A Hyaluronan Binding Link Protein Gene Family Whose Members Are Physically Linked Adjacent to Chrondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan Core Protein Genes. THE MISSING LINKS 미리보기
Spicer, A. P.; Joo, A.; Bowling, R. A. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2003
862 저널기사 A Hyaluronan Binding Link Protein Gene Family Whose Members Are Physically Linked Adjacent to Chrondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan Core Protein Genes. THE MISSING LINKS/ 미리보기
Spicer, A. P American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
863 저널기사 A Hybrid Adaptive ENO Scheme 미리보기
Bauer, R. B Academic Press 1980
864 저널기사 A hybrid AHPSort II and multi-objective portfolio selection method to support quality control in the automotive industry 미리보기
Gerarda Fattoruso ; Maria Barbati ; Alessio Ishizaka ; Massimo Squillante Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society 2023
865 저널기사 A hybrid algorithm for uncapacitated facility location problems 미리보기
Pradeepmon, T.G.; Paul, B. INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS 2011
866 저널기사 A hybrid and integrated approach to evaluate and prevent disasters 미리보기
Ishizaka, Alessio; Labib, Ashraf Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society 2014
867 저널기사 A hybrid approach combining interior-point and branch-and-bound methods applied to the problem of sugar cane waste 미리보기
Lima, Camila de; Balbo, Antonio Roberto; Homem, Thiago Pedro Donadon; Florentino Silva, Helenice de Oliveira Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society 2017
868 저널기사 A Hybrid Approach to Solving the Position Equations for Planar Mechanisms 미리보기
Bawab, S American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1980
869 저널기사 A hybrid approach to the transient collapse analysis of thin walled frameworks I 미리보기
Vignjevic, R North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
870 저널기사 A hybrid approach to the transient collapse analysis of thin walled frameworks II 미리보기
Vignjevic, R North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
871 저널기사 A hybrid approach to the valuation of RFID/MEMS technology applied to ordnance inventory 미리보기
Doerr, K. H.; Gates, W. R.; Mutty, J. E. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
872 저널기사 A hybrid approach to workflow modelling 미리보기
Cull, R.; Eldabi, T. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. 2010
873 저널기사 A hybrid ARIMA-EGARCH and Artificial Neural Network model in stock market forecasting: evidence for India and the USA 미리보기
Kumar, M.; Thenmozhi, M. Inderscience 2012
874 저널기사 A hybrid artificial neural network as a software sensor for optimal control of a wastewater treatment process/ 미리보기
Choi, Dong-Jin Pergamon Press 2001
875 저널기사 A hybrid bankruptcy prediction model with dynamic loadings on accounting-ratio-based and market-based information: A binary quantile regression approach 미리보기
Li, M. Y.; Miu, P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
876 저널기사 A hybrid BFA-PSO algorithm for economic dispatch with valve-point effects 미리보기
Jayabarathi, T.; Bahl, P.; Ohri, H.; Yazdani, A.; Ramesh, V. Springer Science and Business Media 2012
877 저널기사 A hybrid CFD-reaction engineering framework for multiphase reactor modelling: basic concept and application to bubble column reactors/ 미리보기
Rigopoulos, S Pergamon Press 2003
878 저널기사 A Hybrid Cloud Model for Cloud Adoption by Multinational Enterprises 미리보기
He, Wu; Wang, Feng-Kwei Idea Group Pub 2015
879 저널기사 A hybrid cloud supports 440 hotel owners around the world 미리보기
unknown CIO Pub 2014
880 저널기사 A hybrid computational approach for the analysis of blast resistant connections 미리보기
Krauthammer, T Pergamon Press 1996
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