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881 저널기사 A hybrid conjoint measurement and bi-criteria model for a two group negotiation problem 미리보기
Angur, M. G. 00 1996
882 저널기사 A hybrid data gathering and agent based cognitive architecture for realistic crowd simulations 미리보기
Jacob Sinclair ; Hemmaphan Suwanwiwat & Ickjai Lee Operational Research Society. 2023
883 저널기사 A hybrid Delphi-Bayesian method to establish business data integrity policy: A benchmark data center case study 미리보기
Chen, M. K.; Wang, S. C. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
884 저널기사 A hybrid density functional cluster study of the bulk and surface electronic structures of plutonium monoxide/ 미리보기
Wu, Xueyuan North-Holland 2001
885 저널기사 A hybrid-density functional cluster study of the bulk and surface electronic structures of PuO2/ 미리보기
Wu, Xueyuan North-Holland 2001
886 저널기사 A hybrid density functional study of the first-row transition-metal monocarbonyls 미리보기
Adamo, C American Institute of Physics 1980
887 저널기사 A hybrid econometric-neural network modeling approach for sales forecasting 미리보기
888 저널기사 A hybrid electronic tongue/ 미리보기
Winquist, F Elsevier Pub. Co 2000
889 저널기사 A hybrid energy method for predicting high frequency vibrational response of point-loaded plates 미리보기
Smith, M. J Academic Press 1980
890 저널기사 A hybrid estimator in nonlinear and generalised linear mixed effects models/ 미리보기
Lai, T. L Cambridge University Press 2003
891 저널기사 A hybrid Eulerian Vlasov code. I. Study of high-frequency beatwave experiment and Manley-Rowe action evolution in a finite causal system 미리보기
Ghizzo, A American Institute of Physics 1980
892 저널기사 A hybrid evaluation approach using fuzzy TOPSIS and MSGP for catering food reverse logistics provider selection in airline industry 미리보기
Yan-Kai Fu; Chin-Nung Liao Inderscience Publishers 2023
893 저널기사 A hybrid FEM/UTD analysis of the scattering from a cavity backed aperture in the face of a perfectly conducting wedge 미리보기
Calamia, M. JAMES & JAMES 1994
894 저널기사 A hybrid FEM/UTD analysis of the scattering from a cavity backed aperture in the face of a perfectly conducting wedge 미리보기
Calamia, M.;Coccioli, R.;Pelosi, G.;Manara, G. James & James Science Publishers 1994
895 저널기사 A hybrid flowshop scheduling model for apparel manufacture/ 미리보기
Wong, W K MCB University Press 2001
896 저널기사 A hybrid flux axisymmetric model for thermal analysis/ 미리보기
Cannarozzi, Agostino Antonio 2001
897 저널기사 A hybrid forecasting approach for piece-wise stationary time series 미리보기
Yang, M.; Bewley, R. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2006
898 저널기사 A Hybrid Form of Myeloid/NK-cell Acute Leukemia and Myeloid/NK-cell Precursor Acute Leukemia/ 미리보기
Sun, T W. B. Saunders Co 2003
899 저널기사 A hybrid genetic algorithm–support vector machine approach in the task of forecasting and trading 미리보기
Dunis, C. L.; Likothanassis, S. D.; Karathanasopoulos, A. S.; Sermpinis, G. S.; Theofilatos, K. A. Henry Stewart Pub. 2013
900 저널기사 A hybrid genetic algorithm for an identical parallel-machine problem with maintenance activity 미리보기
Lee, Wen-Chiung; Wang, Jen-Ya; Lee, Lin-Yo Published by Pergamon Press for Operational Research Society 2015
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