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1 연속간행물 Ia : Internal Auditors 미리보기
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Institute of Internal Auditors Institute of Internal Auditors 1944-
2 연속간행물 IAWA bulletin 미리보기
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International Association of Wood Anatomists International Association of Wood Anatomists 1970-1992
3 연속간행물 IAWA journal 미리보기
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International Association of Wood Anatomists Rijksherbarium/Hortus Botanicus 1993-
4 연속간행물 IBM journal of research and development 미리보기
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International Business Machines Corporation International Business Machines Corp 1957-
5 연속간행물 IBM systems journal 미리보기
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International Business Machines Corporation International Business Machines Corp 1962-
6 연속간행물 Icarus 미리보기
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American Astronomical Society Division for Planetary Sciences Academic Press 1962-
7 단행본 Icarus in the boardroom:the fundamental flaws in corporate America and where they came from 미리보기
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David Skeel Oxford University Press 2005
8 단행본 The ICE conditions of contract, fifth edition:a commentary 미리보기
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by I. N. Duncan Wallace Sweet & Maxwell 1978
9 연속간행물 IC master 미리보기
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Hearst Business Communications, etc.] 1977-
10 단행본 The Iconic cases in corporate law 미리보기
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edited by Jonathan R. Macey Thomson West 2008
11 단행본 ICSID reports:reports of cases decided under the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States, 1965 and releated decisions on international protection of investments.Vol. 12 미리보기
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edited by James Crawford, Karen Lee and Elihu Lauterpacht Cambridge University Press 2007
12 단행본 ICSID reports:reports of cases decided under the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States, 1965 and releated decisions on international protection of investments.Vol. 13 미리보기
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edited by James Crawford and Karen Lee ; consulting editor, Elihu Lauterpacht Cambridge University Press 2008
13 단행본 Idaho legal research 미리보기
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by Tenielle Fordyce-Ruff, Suzanne E. Rowe Carolina Academic Press 2008
14 단행본 Ideals and ideologies:a reader 미리보기
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[edited by] Terence Ball, Richard Dagger Longman 2002
15 단행본 The idea of a European superstate:public justification and European integration 미리보기
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Glyn Morgan Princeton University Press 2005 URL
16 단행본 The idea of authorship in copyright 미리보기
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by Lior Zemer Ashgate Pub. Co. 2007 URL
17 단행본 The idea of home in law : displacement and dispossession 미리보기
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Lorna Fox O'Mahony, James A. Sweeney Ashgate Pub. 2011
18 단행본 The idea of labour law 미리보기
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editors: Guy Davidov & Brian Langille Oxford University Press 2011
19 단행본 The idea of law 미리보기
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Dennis Lloyd Penguin Books 1977
20 단행본 The idea of politics. 미리보기
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Translated by Robert North and Ruth Murphy Methuen 1966
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