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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Identification and the narrative approach: A reply to Leeper 미리보기
Romer, C. D. ELSEVIER 1997
2 저널기사 Identifying investment opportunities for advanced manufacturing systems with 미리보기
Kim, Gyutai Elsevier 1997
3 저널기사 Identifying monetary policy in a small open economy under flexible exchange rates 미리보기
Cushman, D. O. ELSEVIER 1997
4 저널기사 IFIP/SEC '97 Conference Proceedings 미리보기
Highland, H. J. ELSEVIER 1997
5 저널기사 IFIP TC11 News 미리보기
Highland, H. J. ELSEVIER 1997
6 저널기사 Import Price Uncertainty and the Distribution of Income 미리보기
Appelbaum, E. ELSEVIER 1997
7 저널기사 Impossibility results for choice correspondences 미리보기
Stefanescu, A. ELSEVIER 1997
8 저널기사 Improved estimation of the slope parameter in a linear ultrastructural model when measurement errors are not necessarily normal 미리보기
Srivasta, A. K. ELSEVIER 1997
9 저널기사 Improved system-access control using complementary technologies 미리보기
Labuschagne, L. ELSEVIER 1997
10 저널기사 Improving private incentives for electric grid investment 미리보기
Bushnell, J. B. ELSEVIER 1997
11 저널기사 Impulse response analysis in infinite order cointegrated vector autoregressive processes 미리보기
Luetkepohl, H. ELSEVIER 1997
12 저널기사 Imputing license prices: limitations of a cost-based approach 미리보기
Krishna, K. ELSEVIER 1997
13 저널기사 Incentives, precision technology and environmental protection 미리보기
Khanna, M. ELSEVIER 1997
14 저널기사 Income convergence within an economic union: the role of factor mobility and coordination 미리보기
Razin, A. ELSEVIER 1997
15 저널기사 Income inequality, democracy and growth reconsidered 미리보기
Weede, E. ELSEVIER 1997
16 저널기사 Income-related inequalities in health: some international comparisons 미리보기
Van Doorslaer, E. ELSEVIER 1997
17 저널기사 Income tax credits and exemptions 미리보기
Lambert, P. J. ELSEVIER 1997
18 저널기사 Income taxes and the timing of marital decisions 미리보기
Alm, J. ELSEVIER 1997
19 저널기사 Increasing productivity in technology management when developing and building complex systems in 미리보기
Andersson, Karl-Hugo Elsevier 1997
20 저널기사 Incumbent defense strategies against new product entry 미리보기
Gatignon, H. ELSEVIER 1997
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