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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 "I Agree" Legal Agreements Get Legislated 미리보기
Hancock, B. ELSEVIER 2000
2 저널기사 Identification and simulated control of greenhouse closed water supply systems/ 미리보기
Gieling, Th H Elsevier 2000
3 저널기사 Identification problems and decisions under ambiguity: Empirical analysis of treatment response and normative analysis of treatment choice - some tests of alternative models 미리보기
Manski, C.F. ELSEVIER 2000
4 저널기사 Illicit drug use, unemployment, and occupational attainment 미리보기
MacDonald, Z. ELSEVIER 2000
5 저널기사 Immigration control and the welfare state 미리보기
Myers, G.M. ELSEVIER 2000
6 저널기사 Impact of dependence among multiple claims in a single loss 미리보기
Cossette, H. ELSEVIER 2000
7 저널기사 Impact of the resource needed for renegotiating ATM rates/ 미리보기
Denteneer, D Elsevier 2000
8 저널기사 Impact of types of functional relationships, decisions, and solutions on the applicability of marketing models 미리보기
Albers, S. ELSEVIER 2000
9 저널기사 Imperfect competition, risk taking, and regulation in banking - An incentive structure for a financial intermediary 미리보기
Matutes, C. ELSEVIER 2000
10 저널기사 Implementation of balanced linear cost share equilibrium solution in Nash and strong Nash equilibria 미리보기
Tian, G. ELSEVIER 2000
11 저널기사 Implementing adaptive nonlinear models 미리보기
Shapiro, A. F. ELSEVIER 2000
12 저널기사 Implementing Information Security In The 21st Century - Do You Have the Balancing Factors? 미리보기
Nosworthy, J. D. ELSEVIER 2000
13 저널기사 Implementing Public Key Infrastructures in a Dynamic Business Environment 미리보기
00 ELSEVIER 2000
14 저널기사 Import penetration and the politics of trade protection 미리보기
Maggi, G. ELSEVIER 2000
15 저널기사 Improving the external validity of marketing models 미리보기
Laurent, G. ELSEVIER 2000
16 저널기사 Improving the voluntary integration of statistical forecasts and judgment 미리보기
Goodwin, P. ELSEVIER 2000
17 저널기사 (In)accuracy of a European political stock market: The influence of common value structures - Ambiguity and competence in choice under uncertainty 미리보기
Jacobsen, B. ELSEVIER 2000
18 저널기사 Incentive compatibility constraints and dynamic programming in continuous time 미리보기
Barucci, E. ELSEVIER 2000
19 저널기사 Incentive effects of social security on labor force participation: evidence in Germany and across Europe 미리보기
Borsch-Supan, A. ELSEVIER 2000
20 저널기사 Incentive effects of social security on labor force participation: evidence in Germany and across Europe 미리보기
Borsch-Supan, A. Elsevier 2000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
