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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 ICER-Capades: Putting Cardiac Cyclic AMP Signaling "On Ice"/ 미리보기
Sussman, M. A American Heart Association 2003
2 저널기사 Identification of a Nuclear Orphan Receptor (Ear2) as a Negative Regulator of Renin Gene Transcription/ 미리보기
Liu, X American Heart Association 2003
3 저널기사 Identification of Novel Signaling Complexes by Functional Proteomics/ 미리보기
Ping, P American Heart Association 2003
4 저널기사 Illuminating Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Calcium/ 미리보기
Venetucci, L American Heart Association 2003
5 저널기사 Immunomediated and Ischemia-Independent Inflammation of Coronary Microvessels in Unstable Angina/ 미리보기
Serneri, G. G. N American Heart Association 2003
6 저널기사 Impact of Hospital-Related Factors on Outcome After Treatment of Cerebral Aneurysms/ 미리보기
Berman, M. F American Heart Association] 2003
7 저널기사 Impact of Viral and Bacterial Burden on Cognitive Impairment in Elderly Persons With Cardiovascular Diseases/ 미리보기
Strandberg, T. E American Heart Association] 2003
8 저널기사 Improvements in Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease and Cessation of Stroke Mortality Rate Decline/ 미리보기
Peeters, A American Heart Association] 2003
9 저널기사 Impulse Propagation in Synthetic Strands of Neonatal Cardiac Myocytes With Genetically Reduced Levels of Connexin43/ 미리보기
Thomas, S. P American Heart Association 2003
10 저널기사 Increased Fibronectin Deposition in Embryonic Hearts of Retinol-Binding Protein-Null Mice/ 미리보기
Wendler, C. C American Heart Association 2003
11 저널기사 Increased Risk of Atherosclerosis Is Confined to CagA-Positive Helicobacter pylori Strains: Prospective Results From the Bruneck Study/ 미리보기
Mayr, M American Heart Association] 2003
12 저널기사 Increased Risk of Cognitive Impairment 3 Months After Mild to Moderate First-Ever Stroke: A Community-Based Prospective Study of Nonaphasic English-Speaking Survivors/ 미리보기
Srikanth, V. K American Heart Association] 2003
13 저널기사 Increasing Stroke Incidence and Decreasing Case Fatality, 1989-1998: A Study From the Stroke Register in Malmo, Sweden/ 미리보기
Pessah-Rasmussen, H American Heart Association] 2003
14 저널기사 Inducible cAMP Early Repressor (ICER) Is a Negative-Feedback Regulator of Cardiac Hypertrophy and an Important Mediator of Cardiac Myocyte Apoptosis in Response to beta-Adrenergic Receptor Stimulation/ 미리보기
Tomita, H American Heart Association 2003
15 저널기사 Inflammation and Infections as Risk Factors for Ischemic Stroke/ 미리보기
Lindsberg, P. J American Heart Association] 2003
16 저널기사 Influence of Na^+-Independent Cl^--HCO~3^- Exchange on the Slow Force Response to Myocardial Stretch/ 미리보기
Cingolani, H. E American Heart Association 2003
17 저널기사 Inhibition of Hydroxymethylglutaryl-Coenzyme A Reductase Reduces Th1 Development and Promotes Th2 Development/ 미리보기
Hakamada-Taguchi, R American Heart Association 2003
18 저널기사 In Memoriam: Arthur C. Guyton, MD (1919-2003)/ 미리보기
Vatner, S. F American Heart Association 2003
19 저널기사 Instructions to Authors /// 미리보기
American Heart Association] 2001
20 저널기사 Integrative Physiology - A1 or A3 Adenosine Receptors Induce Late Preconditioning Against Infarction in Conscious Rabbits by Different Mechanisms/ 미리보기
Takano, Hitoshi American Heart Association 2001
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