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1 저널기사 Ideological alignment and the distribution of public expenditures 미리보기
Kleider, Hanna; Röth, Leonce; Garritzmann, Julian L. F. Cass 2018
2 저널기사 Ideological congruence between party rhetoric and policy-making 미리보기
Bischof, Daniel F. Cass 2018
3 저널기사 Ideological congruence over government mandates under majoritarian and proportional representation electoral systems 미리보기
Ferland, Benjamin F. Cass 2018
4 저널기사 Ideology, Parties and Social Politics in Europe 미리보기
Ferrera, M. F. Cass 2014
5 저널기사 If Money Talks, What Does it Say? Corruption and Business Financing of Political Parties 미리보기
Ronit, K. F. Cass 2015
6 저널기사 Immigration and support for redistribution: survey experiments in three European countries 미리보기
Naumann, Elias; Stoetzer, Lukas F. F. Cass 2018
7 저널기사 Impact of FDI, ODA and Migrant Remittances on Economic Growth in Developing Countries: A Systems Approach FREE 미리보기
Driffield, N.; Jones, C. F. Cass 2013
8 저널기사 Imperfect public goods and the logic of selective exit in EU interest organisations 미리보기
Eising, Rainer F. Cass 2017
9 저널기사 Implementing Social Europe in Times of Crises: Re-established Boundaries of Welfare? 미리보기
Martinsen, D.S.; Vollaard, H. F. Cass 2014
10 저널기사 Income inequality and party (de)polarisation 미리보기
Fenzl, Michele F. Cass 2018
11 저널기사 Informal Governance in the European Union: How Governments Make International Organizations Work 미리보기
Moury, C. F. Cass 2015
12 저널기사 Information sharing, secrecy and trust among law enforcement and secret service institutions in the European Union 미리보기
Aden, Hartmut F. Cass 2018
13 저널기사 In memoriam: Jack Hayward (1931–2017) 미리보기
Goetz, Klaus H.; Menon, Anand; Müller, Wolfgang C. F. Cass 2018
14 저널기사 In Praise of Pecuniary Externalities 미리보기
Castellani, D. F. Cass 2012
15 저널기사 Institutional conditions for effective parliamentary oversight of European Union politics 미리보기
Finke, Daniel F. Cass 2019
16 저널기사 Instrumental political support: bringing policy preferences back into explanations of EU support 미리보기
Belot, Céline; Guinaudeau, Isabelle F. Cass 2017
17 저널기사 Integrating Indifference: A Comparative, Qualitative and Quantitative Approach to the Legitimacy of European Integration 미리보기
Wellings, Ben F. Cass 2015
18 저널기사 Integrating macro-prudential policy: central banks as the ‘third force’ in EU financial reform 미리보기
McPhilemy, Samuel F. Cass 2016
19 저널기사 Internal and External Validity in Experimental Games: A Social Reality Check 미리보기
Jackson, C. F. Cass 2012
20 저널기사 Internationalised banking, alternative banks and the Single Supervisory Mechanism 미리보기
Howarth, David; Quaglia, Lucia F. Cass 2016
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