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Idea Density Measured in Late Life Predicts Subsequent Cognitive Trajectories: Implications for the Measurement of Cognitive Reserve
Farias, S. T.; Chand, V.; Bonnici, L.; Baynes, K.; Harvey, D.; Mungas, D.; Simon, C.; Reed, B.
Gerontological Society of America
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Identifying a Short Functional Disability Screen for Older Persons/
Saliba, Debra
Gerontological Society of America
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Identifying Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities: A Spatial Analysis
Rivera-Hernandez, M.; Yamashita, T.; Kinney, J. M.
Gerontological Society of America
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Identifying the Poorest Older Americans
Fisher, J.D.; Johnson, D.S.; Marchand, J.T.; Smeeding, T.M.; Torrey, B.B.
Gerontological Society of America
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Identity Processing and Self-Consciousness in Middle and Later Adulthood
Sneed, J. R.; Whithourne, S. K.
Gerontological Society of America
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Identity Processing and Self-Consciousness in Middle and Later Adulthood/
Sneed, J. R
Gerontological Society of America
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Illness, Not Age, Is the Leveler of Social Mortality Differences in Old Age
Hoffmann, R.
Gerontological Society of America
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Illusory Correlation and Group Impression Formation in Young and Older Adults
Mutter, S. A.
Gerontological Society of America
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Immigrant Status, Living Arrangements, and Depressive Symptoms Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults
Wilmoth, J. M.; Chen, P.-C.
Gerontological Society of America
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Immigrant Status, Living Arrangements, and Depressive Symptoms Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults/
Wilmoth, J. M
Gerontological Society of America
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Immigration and the Regional Demographics of the Elderly Population in the United States/
Rogers, Andrei
Gerontological Society of America
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Impact of Caring for Grandchildren on the Health of Grandparents in Taiwan
Ku, L. J.; Stearns, S. C.; Van Houtven, C. H.; Lee, S. Y.; Dilworth-Anderson, P.; Konrad, T. R.
Gerontological Society of America
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Impact of Childhood Parental Abuse and Neglect on Sleep Problems in Old Age
Poon, C. Y.; Knight, B. G.
Gerontological Society of America
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Impact of PRISMA, a Coordination-Type Integrated Service Delivery System for Frail Older People in Quebec (Canada): A Quasi-experimental Study
Hebert, R.; Raiche, M.; Dubois, M. F.; Gueye, N. D.; Dubuc, N.; Tousignant, M.
Gerontological Society of America
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Impacts of Suppression on Emotional Responses and Performance Outcomes: An Experience-Sampling Study in Younger and Older Workers
Yeung, D. Y.; Fung, H. H.
Gerontological Society of America
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Impaired Attentional Disengagement in Older Adults With Useful Field of View Decline
Cosman, J. D.; Lees, M. N.; Lee, J. D.; Rizzo, M.; Vecera, S. P.
Gerontological Society of America
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Implications of Marital/Partner Relationship Quality and Perceived Stress for Blood Pressure Among Older Adults
Birditt, K. S.; Newton, N.; Hope, S.
Gerontological Society of America
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Importance of Numeracy as a Risk Factor for Elder Financial Exploitation in a Community Sample
Wood, S. A.; Liu, P. J.; Hanoch, Y.; Estevez-Cores, S.
Gerontological Society of America
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Improved Functional Outcomes Following Exercise Rehabilitation in Patients With Intermittent Claudication/
Gardner, Andrew W
Gerontological Society of America
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Improving Cognitive Function in Older Adults: Nontraditional Approaches
Park, D. C.; Gutchess, A. H.; Meade, M. L.; Stine-Morrow, E. A. L.
Gerontological Society of America