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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Identification of critical failure factors in the implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) system in Taiwan's industries 미리보기
Tsai, W.-H.; Chien, S.-W.; Hsu, P.-Y.; Leu, J.-D. Inderscience Publishers 2005
2 저널기사 Identification of important factors for implementation of TQM in Indian SMEs in context of Vidarbha and Khandesh region 미리보기
Kalpande, S.D.; Gupta, R.C.; Dandekar, M.D. Inderscience Publishers 2013
3 저널기사 Identifying the factor structure of customer satisfaction by modified importance-performance analysis 미리보기
4 저널기사 Identifying the need for world class manufacturing and best practice for SMEs in the UK 미리보기
Khan, Z.; Bali, R. K.; Wickramasinghe, N. Inderscience Publishers 2007
5 저널기사 Impact analysis of the traffic convoy system and toll pricing policy of the Suez Canal on the operations of a liner containership over a long-haul voyage 미리보기
Du, Yuquan; Meng, Qiang; Shi, Wenming Inderscience Publishers 2019
6 저널기사 Impact of demographics on online buying behaviour towards different products 미리보기
7 저널기사 Impact of exchange rate and money supply on growth, inflation and interest rates in the UK 미리보기
Bhattarai, K. Inderscience Publishers 2011
8 저널기사 Impact of globalisation on entrepreneurial enterprises in the world markets 미리보기
Kumar, S.; Liu, D. Inderscience Publishers 2004
9 저널기사 Impact of service quality, image and relational aspects on satisfaction and loyalty in logistics outsourcing relationships 미리보기
Juga, J.; Juntunen, J.; Juntunen, M. Inderscience Publishers 2012
10 저널기사 Impacts of the clean air action plan on the port trade industry 미리보기
Giuliano, G.; Linder, A. Inderscience Publishers 2014
11 저널기사 Implementation problems with ERP systems in Virtual Enterprises/Virtual Organisations 미리보기
Sharma, S. K.; Chen, C.; Sundaram, S. Inderscience Publishers 2006
12 저널기사 Implementing risk management systems with a benchmark: a Web-Based DSS approach 미리보기
Eisenberg, L.; Hsieh, C.-t. INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS 2007
13 저널기사 Implementing SAP from end-to-end business process scenarios 미리보기
Bubak, O.; Farley, R. L.; Goebels, C.; Gonzalez, P.; Gulledge, T. R.; Russell, R. Inderscience Publishers 2006
14 저널기사 Implied liquidity: towards stochastic liquidity modelling and liquidity trading 미리보기
Corcuera, J.M.; Guillaume, F.; Madan, D.B.; Schoutens, W. Inderscience Publishers 2012
15 저널기사 Improving port of Sines competitiveness. A subjective benchmarking approach 미리보기
Casaca, A.C.P.; Carvalho, S.; Oliveira, M. Inderscience Publishers 2013
16 저널기사 Increasing security and efficiency in supply chains: a five-step approach 미리보기
Pero, M.; Sudy, I. Inderscience Publishers 2014
17 저널기사 Individual investor behaviour: evidence from the clients of a small credit cooperative bank 미리보기
Cervellati, E.M.; Fattori, P.; Pattitoni, P. Inderscience Publishers 2011
18 저널기사 Individual investors' perceptions towards dividends: the case of Greece 미리보기
Maditinos, D.I.; Sevic, Z.; Theriou, N.G.; Tsinani, A.V. Inderscience Publishers 2007
19 저널기사 Industrial modernisation initiatives: a technology transfer, organisational learning, and knowledge management perspective 미리보기
Daghfous, A. Inderscience Publishers 2004
20 저널기사 Inference on forward exchange rate risk premium: reviewing signal extraction methods 미리보기
Bhar, R.; Chiarella, C. Inderscience Publishers 2009
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