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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Impact of social/personal norms and willingness to sacrifice on young vacationers' pro-environmental intentions for waste reduction and recycling 미리보기
Han, Heesup; Yu, Jongsik; Kim, Hyeon-Cheol; Kim, Wansoo Multilingual Matters 2018
2 저널기사 Impacts of recreational diving on hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) behaviour in a marine protected area 미리보기
Hayes, Christian T.; Baumbach, Dustin S.; Juma, David; Dunbar, Stephen G. Multilingual Matters 2017
3 저널기사 Improving carbon offsetting appeals in online airplane ticket purchasing: testing new messages, and using new test methods 미리보기
Babakhani, Nazila; Ritchie, Brent W.; Dolnicar, Sara Multilingual Matters 2017
4 저널기사 Improving Indigenous local language opportunities in community-based tourism initiatives in Haida Gwaii (British Columbia, Canada) 미리보기
Whitney-Squire, Kelly; Wright, Pamela; Alsop, Jason (Gaagwiis) Multilingual Matters 2018
5 저널기사 Indigeneity, sovereignty, sustainability and cultural tourism: hosts and hostages at ʻIolani Palace, Hawai'i 미리보기
Williams, Liza Keānuenueokalani; Gonzalez, Vernadette Vicuña Multilingual Matters 2017
6 저널기사 Industrial tourists' behavioral intention toward slow travel in Taiwan 미리보기
Lin, Li-Pin (Lynn) Multilingual Matters 2017
7 저널기사 Influential factors in water planning for sustainable tourism destinations 미리보기
Vila, Mar; Afsordegan, Arayeh; Agell, Núria; Sánchez, Mónica; Costa, Gerard Multilingual Matters 2018
8 저널기사 Innovation, sustainable tourism and environments in mountain destination development: a comparative analysis of Austria, Slovenia and Switzerland 미리보기
Kuščer, Kir; Mihalič, Tanja; Pechlaner, Harald Multilingual Matters 2017
9 저널기사 Integrating agroecology and sustainable tourism: applying geodesign to farm management in Aotearoa New Zealand 미리보기
Moore, Antoni; Johnson, Marion; Gbolagun, Jeremiah; Miller, Aubrey; Rombouts, Anneke; van der Ven, Loes; Lord, Janice; Coutts, Sam; Pagan, Mariana; Hall, G. Brent Multilingual Matters 2018
10 저널기사 Integrating tea and tourism: a sustainable livelihoods approach 미리보기
Su, Ming Ming; Wall, Geoffrey; Wang, Yanan Multilingual Matters 2019
11 저널기사 International ecotourism and economic development in Central America and the Caribbean 미리보기
Gunter, Ulrich; Ceddia, M. Graziano; Tröster, Bernhard Multilingual Matters 2017
12 저널기사 Internationalization and corporate social responsibility in the restaurant industry: risk perspective 미리보기
Jung, Soyeon; Kim, Joon Ho; Kang, Kyung Ho; Kim, Bora Multilingual Matters 2018
13 저널기사 Issues in measuring success in community-based Indigenous tourism: elites, kin groups, social capital, gender dynamics and income flows 미리보기
Taylor, Sarah R. Multilingual Matters 2017
14 저널기사 Is the rhino worth saving? A sustainable tourism perspective 미리보기
Saayman, Melville; Saayman, Andrea Multilingual Matters 2017
15 저널기사 It's so hot: predicting climate change effects on urban tourists' time–space experience 미리보기
Caldeira, Ana Maria; Kastenholz, Elisabeth Multilingual Matters 2018
16 저널기사 The impacts of climate change on tourist mobility in mountain areas 미리보기
Cavallaro, Federico; Ciari, Francesco; Nocera, Silvio; Prettenthaler, Franz; Scuttari, Anna Multilingual Matters 2017
17 저널기사 The influence of artistically recreated nature on the image of tourist destinations: Lanzarote's art, cultural and tourism visitor centres and their links to sustainable tourism marketing 미리보기
Carballo, Rita R.; León, Carmelo J. Multilingual Matters 2018
18 저널기사 The influence of trust perceptions on German tourists’ intention to book a sustainable hotel: a new approach to analysing marketing information 미리보기
Ponnapureddy, Sindhuri; Priskin, Julianna; Ohnmacht, Timo; Vinzenz, Friederike; Wirth, Werner Multilingual Matters 2017
