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361 연속간행물 International textiles 미리보기
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International textiles, 1933-
362 연속간행물 International trade by commodity statistics 미리보기
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OECD OECD Publishing 2010-
363 연속간행물 International trade statistics yearbook 미리보기
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Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office = Annuaire statistique du commerce international / D?partement des aff United Nations 1983-
364 연속간행물 The International who's who 미리보기
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Europa Publications Limited. Europa Publications Ltd 1935-
365 연속간행물 International who's who in Asian studies 미리보기
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Asian Research Service Asian Research Service. 1976-
366 연속간행물 Internet magazine W3 미리보기
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나은세상 (주)나은세상 1997-
367 연속간행물 Intramural annual report 미리보기
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National Institute on Aging The Institute, 19--
368 단행본 Introduction to the sociologies of everyday life 미리보기
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Jack D. Douglas and Patricia A. Adler ... [et al.] Allyn and Bacon 1980
369 단행본 Introductory psychology 미리보기
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Walter M. Vernon Rand McNally College Pub. Co. 1980
370 단행본 Inventaire:instituts de recherche et de formation en matiere de developpement : Afrique = Directory : development research and training institutes : Africa 미리보기
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Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Development Centre Centre de developpement, Organisation de coopation et de developpement economiques ; OECD Publications and Information Center, Distributor] 1982
371 연속간행물 Inventiones mathematicae 미리보기
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Springer-Verlag 1966-
372 연속간행물 Inventory of marriage and family literature 미리보기
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Olson, David H. L Dahl, Nancy SAGE 1974-
373 연속간행물 In vivo : The business & medicine report 미리보기
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Channing, Weinberg & Co 1982-
374 연속간행물 Ion exchange and solvent extraction 미리보기
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Marinsky, Jacob A Marcus, Y M. Dekker 1973-
375 연속간행물 IP standards for petroleum and its products 미리보기
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Institute of Petroleum (Great Britain) Heyden and Son Ltd. on behalf of the Institute of Petroleum [19--]-1986
376 연속간행물 IRAL, International review of applied linguistics in language teaching:Revue internationale de linguistique appliquee enseignement des langues. Internationale Zeitschrift fu@r angewandte Linguistik in der Spracherziehung 미리보기
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J. Groos 1963- URL
377 단행본 IRB와 법의 이해 미리보기
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박수헌 지음 유원북스 2019
378 연속간행물 IRE transactions on circuit theory 미리보기
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IRE Professional Group on Circuit Theory Institute of Radio Engineers]. 1955-1964
379 연속간행물 Irregular serials & annuals:an international directory 미리보기
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Koltay, Emery Bowker 1967-1988
380 연속간행물 IRRI highlights 미리보기
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International Rice Research Institute International Rice Research Institute 1984-1987
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